Soulmate Clients Don’t Need You To Pursue Them

If you want to work with true soulmate clients, I know of no better way to call them in than to use the method I teach.

By “soulmate” I mean the kind you’re so excited to meet with, that work actually feels like play.

The kind who just “gets” you and what you’re all about (because they’re the same way!).

The kind who is so excited about your methods and philosophies and rarely, if ever, questions them. They’re just all-in and ready to follow your playbook and soak up your guidance. They have tremendous respect for you, as you do for them.

This is the reality that I live in. Every single client is such an amazing person and so perfect for me that it feels like God brought us together.

And God did, of course… but I like to think I help God out by being clear and complete in describing what I and my work are all about, so that those reading can easily self-filter into the interested and the uninterested.

Over the years I’ve often received the (unsolicited) advice that I should “do more” than I currently do to bring in clients – for example, that instead of just posting content and inviting DMs to attract clients, I should also employ various ways of PURSUING potential clients.

Like messaging people first, or otherwise starting conversations with them (like in comment threads), or trying to get information from everybody who joins my Facebook group so I can start pursuing them over email, or… I don’t even know what all.

I’m told I’m leaving money on the table by not doing that stuff.

That might be true (though I don’t know how anyone could actually know it for sure when they can’t predict the future and haven’t tested their theory within my business specifically).

But here’s the thing.

My goal has never been to make as much money as possible.

My goal has been to serve soulmate clients, have them get fantastic results and to have a fantastic time doing it all.

And the way I do things has enabled that to be my exact reality for the past several years.

Because I don’t use “pursuing” or “initiating” methods of getting clients, the only way someone ever becomes my client is if they contact me first – to say they’ve been reading/watching my content and based on what they’ve seen, they would love to work with me.

My point is: a person has to understand my work REALLY well and be REALLY interested in it in order to feel compelled to contact me first.

And that level of interest and understanding is what makes someone a soulmate client.

I’m sure I could drag a few more people (or even a lot more people) into and through my programs if I did more chasing.

But, would they be soulmate clients to the same degree as the people who felt such a strong resonance with me that they began the conversation without any help from me?

I don’t know the answer to that for sure, but my guess would be “no.”

And, really, my life and business are so beautiful exactly the way they are that I can’t imagine spending even two seconds working on client-pursuit strategies when I could be spending that time giving more love to the soulmate clients I already have – or taking a freaking break from work for once to just BE and enjoy the success I’ve created.

My small but beautiful roster of soulmate clients is all I need to support myself (and then some) and to live a happy life.

I’ve had a lot of coaches who coached me to try to get as many clients as possible and make as much money as possible and “not leave any on the table.”

Many (if not most) of these coaches also happened to have LOTS of clients who weren’t happy, getting results, or aligned with their methods and philosophies.

I hypothesize that this is not a coincidence.

And yeah, these folks might make more money than I do, but I get to have a whole bunch of things that are far better than money: delighted clients, work that feels like play, and a clear conscience.

In my opinion, those are the best outcomes that the Strong Method offers.

(Though one $5k-$20k sale per week ain’t bad either)

The hallmark of the method is the way we write our posts – to give such clear information that people can self-select as being our clients.

If you’re not familiar with the details of my writing method, I encourage you to check out the following two trainings:

Offer post training

Value post training

And if you’re interested in having my help to implement the method, I encourage you to check out my 30-day intensive program and send me a private message on FB if you’re interested.

If you’re interested in actually teaching the method to your own clients, send me a Facebook DM about my certification program!

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