To Enjoy Your Business A Lot More, Get Honest About What Type of Client Gets Best Results With You

One of the keys to running a business that brings in multiple-six or seven figures (as well as being SUPER fun and enjoyable to run) is getting really honest with yourself about what type of client gets best, easiest and fastest results with you.

My business used to be super frustrating (and definitely not enjoyable even close to 100% of the time) because I thought that I could help any coach or consultant who was ethical and skilled and wanted to grow their business.

But, over the months and years, a stubborn pattern emerged: Clients who were debating between two or more niches and couldn’t decide what they wanted to pursue, did not get the best/easiest/fastest results with me.

My process assumed that people either had already committed to a niche or would do so quickly, so it was frustrating when we could not move on to talking about marketing and sales (particularly messaging – my greatest gift) because they were in constant doubt and fear about their niche.

I know that those kinds of doubts and fears are something that people can be coached through – but I’m not good at that!

I’m not even a coach really, the way most people define it – I’m a consultant and strategist. I tell people what to do and assume that they will do it. This kind of “just do it” guidance usually doesn’t work well for handling doubts and fears, though (as any mindset expert will attest).

One of the things that held me back from getting more specific about my ideal client was that I was afraid of “leaving people out” or “missing out” on clients.

Which of course is silly and a bit irrational, because what’s the point of trying to include them in my client roster when I’m not good at helping them with their biggest and most pressing challenge?

What was amazing was that when I finally drew a line in the sand and started saying “I do not work with people who are debating between two or more niches” – I received evidence that I would actually NOT be leaving those people out.

Because people who are not clear or decided on a niche right now can become clear and decide in the future. 😉 And then they’ll be ready to be my client.

I started receiving all sorts of messages from people saying things like, “I know you don’t work with people unless they’re decided on this point, so I’m working hard to get clarity and will let you know when I’m ready to work with you.”

And, “I know you don’t help with deciding on a niche so I’m looking for a coach who can help me with that before I hire you.”

Many of these people HAVE in fact come back months (even a year in some cases) later and said “I’m ready, here’s the niche I’ve been working in – will you take me now?”

In other words – they rose to meet my expectations and standards.

And now 99-100% of clients are exactly the kind of person I can help best, and proceed through the work without getting stuck or doubting what we’re doing.

It’s amazing!

For me, the trickiest part of getting to this point was actually being able to put WORDS to the distinction between who got best results with me and who got less-good results or no results.

For a long time, I wasn’t able to articulate “Oh, hey – the ones who get stuck aren’t clear on what they want to coach on or help people with, and the ones who proceed smoothly are settled on that question and have been for some time.”

It just wasn’t that apparent to me.

Once I was able to put words to the distinction, I could feed those words into my marketing and then, like magic, the right people came forward and the wrong people either went away or let me know that they were working to become the right people.

Putting words to the distinction between who gets best results with you vs. less-good results is one of the things I’m fantastic at helping YOU with.

So if you’ve been frustrated because some of your clients get great results and some don’t, and this dings your confidence and prevents you from being fully confident and consistent in marketing and selling your services, send me a DM on FB.

In my 30-day 1-on-1 program I lead people through a deep inquiry process to figure out what distinctions can be named about their truly ideal, best-result-getting client, so that they can feed those into their marketing.

We also go over exactly how to write organic posts that attract and convert your ideal folks – and how to build your organic audience on FB.

More information about the program is available here.

When you send me your DM, we’ll simply have a chat to see if you are a good candidate for the program. If you are, I’m enrolling people to the program right now and can start a couple of new people next week. 🥰

If you’re interested in teaching my methods and process to your own clients, I also have a certification program coming up. DM me on Facebook if interested!

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