The Exact Actions to Take to Be Sure You’ll Book One or Two (or More) New High-Ticket Clients Every Single Week

Ever wish you knew the EXACT actions to take to be SURE you would book one or two (or even more) new clients every single week?

This used to be such a mystery to me, and it still is to most entrepreneurs. Now I can’t believe how simple the equation is and how long it took to dial in to be this simple:

1) You’ve gotta know what your offer actually is, what outcome it gets, and who it’s for. (This is the hardest part, and if you don’t have this figured out, nothing else will work correctly.)

2) You invite 50 new awesome people to join you on your profile every weekday (you can include weekends if you want the process to go faster). This refers to friend requests.

3) You make a post about once a week or every other week that is a direct offer to join your program – in 500 words or less (following the framework I’ve developed, which includes everything prospects need to know and nothing they don’t).

4) Every weekday, you make a mind-blowing post about one particular insight as to how people can solve the problem that your offer solves, or a smaller problem that is part of the bigger problem. You weave in your offer (an abbreviated version of the 500-word statement), every single time. [For those who’ve followed me for a while, these are the “belief-shifting posts”]

5) Roughly once a week (weekends work well), you share something personal or at least non-business-related.

6) You regularly refresh your friends list, removing people who aren’t active or who otherwise aren’t a fit to be connected to you, so that you always have room to keep adding the new 50 per day.


That is it!

For nearly 3 years I have been consistently doing these 6 things (and honestly I sometimes don’t even do all of them anymore these days) and results have been consistent and predictable.

2-7 inquiries per week in my DM inbox (I get more when I am vaguer about my price in my CTAs, and less when I am more specific 😉 ), and 1-2 of those per week convert to paying clients. That conversion happens over DM, no phone call, because they are so pre-sold.

I have also added a back-end program which people are starting to upsell into, which has added even more revenue for me in addition to the 1-2 new clients per week.

These results have been CONSISTENT over many months!

Not every week has the exact same numbers of leads and clients, but by the end of each month, the averages are very consistent (10-30 leads and 4-8 clients).

Revenue is consistent also – not exactly the same number each month, but usually within a $2K-$5K spread. It was consistently around $20K/month for my first year doing this method, and consistently around $30K/month for the second year.

Pretty amazing, huh?

“Amazing” doesn’t even cover it, actually.

Consistent (and consistently HIGH!) monthly revenue in a coaching business is the holy grail that most never figure out how to achieve.

I’m beyond proud that I’ve done it.

And I’m happy to have given you the recipe, for free, above.

Now, of course, the devil is in the details and that’s what I help my 1:1 clients with – the DETAILS of the 6 points mentioned above.

We look at the details of how you’re framing your offer and what’s included in it, as well as who precisely is a good fit for it.

We look at the details of how you’re writing that 500-word offer statement. (You might not believe how much I nitpick people’s words and sentences, but it makes such a huge difference by the time we’re finished.)

We look at the details of how you’re writing the posts about how people can solve the problems that your offer solves. (There is an art and a science to this, although the elements to be included are simple and few. I’ve tried to teach it well in free trainings in my FB group and on this profile.)

We also look at who you are adding as a friend and where you can find the right people.

As well as how you’re handling the DM conversations when the inquiries come in (I’ve gotten that down to a system too!).

The result is a steady flow of leads and clients that creates the business and the income you’ve always dreamed of.

Depending on your price point, this can mean anything from $10K/month to $100K/month (I’ve had clients achieve both, and everything in between!).

With 2-6 hours of work per day (totally adjustable depending on your schedule and desires – I will often take one or two full days off in a week, and shift the bulk of the work to other days).

Pretty awesome, right?

My container for doing this 1:1 work with folks is a 30-day intensive. It works best for people who’ve been coaching, mentoring or doing whatever work they do for a good amount of time (years or decades) and are pretty settled on their niche and ideal client (not in the process of pivoting or debating between two or more).

And obviously, it’s a great fit for you if you love the idea of just writing great posts and letting the pre-sold leads roll in, and not having to do any sales calls.

More details about the program (including investment) can be found here.

Just DM me on Facebook if interested in the 30-day 1:1 program and we’ll have a chat to see if you would be the best candidate to get the kinds of results I outline above.

I’m also going to link some videos and posts below that will give a lot more detail and teaching behind the 6 points that I outlined above, in case you are new to my world or want to review the concepts. I hope they’re helpful and enjoyable for you. <3


Video on how to work out the outcome of your offer: HERE

Video on how to structure your offer: HERE

Posts about friend-requesting process: HERE and HERE

Video on how to construct 500-word offer statement: HERE

Video about how to write lead-generating (belief-shifting) posts: HERE


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