When Friend-Requesting You Can’t Tell Who Needs Your Work – and That’s Okay

In today’s edition of “No, Your Business Is Not Different…” 😉

Everybody seems to think they’re the only one who struggles with certain things.

When I talk with folks about using the friend-requesting method to ultimately attract leads and clients, what I often hear is: “But my work is different… I’m a __ [insert type of coach here] and therefore I can’t tell just by looking at someone’s FB profile whether they would need my work or have the problems I solve.”

Thing is, you could fill in that blank with literally ANY type of coach and it would still be true.

NOBODY can tell just by looking at someone’s profile whether they have a certain problem.

I can’t tell by looking at a coach’s profile whether they’re struggling with organic lead generation or not (unless they post about the fact that they struggle with that, which is rare).

A fitness coach can’t usually tell by looking at someone’s profile whether they’re struggling with fitness or nutrition. (Sometimes you can tell someone’s body type, but many photos don’t show that too well, and even that wouldn’t tell you whether this is someone who actually has a goal to do better with fitness/nutrition and/or how that’s going for them.)

A relationship coach can’t tell by looking at someone’s profile whether they’re struggling in their marriage. (You might be able to tell THAT they’re married, from photos and such, but that’s usually about it.)

A personal development coach who helps professional women with self-worth and healing anxiety can’t tell by looking at someone’s profile whether she struggles with that. (In fact, professional women who struggle with this often go to great pains NOT to let anyone know they struggle.)

So we don’t friend people based on thinking/knowing that they have the problem we solve.

We friend people based on some very surface-level demographic things.

Like, if we help professional women in their 30s and 40s with fitness, we friend women who look like they’re about that age and mention a professional career on their profile.

(I’ve had fitness coach clients make six figures from people they friended based on VERY loose criteria like that.)

If we help professional women with self-worth, same thing as above.

If we help married people, we friend people who appear to be married.

If we help coaches, we friend people who mention that they’re a coach.

(I’ve made close to half a million from basically just friending people who say “coach” on their profile, with zero regard for whether or not they have the specific problem I solve.)

Our POSTS do the filtering down to the people who actually need our work – because they’re written in a way that’s so specific to what we solve and for whom we solve it.

Hope this makes sense. Don’t overthink the friending – it’s the easiest part of the process.

If you want help with the hard part – writing the posts that are so compelling and specific that they call forward that perfect person from the sea of unknowns – that’s what you can get help with on this site (simply read/watch all the posts and videos I’ve put together about how to do this) or by working with me in my 30-day private intensive (DM me on Facebook to see if you’re a fit).

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