People Want to “Think About It” Because They Don’t Have Enough Information

Food for thought:

A lot of times when people want to defer the decision to work with you, “think about it,” or aren’t “sure” about the money, etc…

…it’s because they don’t feel like they have enough information about what you do and how you do it.

I can say this with confidence because when I 1) created better methods for getting people results and 2) spelled out those methods in a lot more detail in my marketing, all the uncertainty from my prospects pretty much vanished.

I haven’t had to “objection-handle” in more than 3 years. Feels pretty great, that.

I want everyone to have that easy of a time selling their offers, so the majority of the work that I now do with clients is getting them to spell out their methods in greater and greater detail in the social media posts and emails that they write.

Here are some examples of the feedback I give:

“Why not give an example of one of your past clients to illustrate that point?”

“Will the reader know what _ term means? Can you define it within the post so they can follow your argument better?”

“I know from your offer assignment that _ is the core piece of your method that actually gets the results. I don’t see that piece mentioned in this post, though. Why not? Can you put it in and make it prominent, like in the first sentence?”

“This part sounds vague and I can sense there’s more HOW underneath. Can you peel off a couple more layers and spell it out more?”

Interestingly, a lot of this stuff is Communications and Logic 101 and not necessarily a way of writing that’s specifically meant for marketing.

Truth be told, I was never good at writing in that way. 😉 And I always felt robotic when trying to use the market-y writing templates provided by my mentors.

So I just decided to write in a matter-of-fact, straightforward way. And it turns out that works even better than the market-y way. Yay!

Interesting note: if you look back up at the examples of the feedback I often give clients, they are just slightly different versions of what my prospects used to ask me on sales calls before they hit me with “need to think about it” or “not sure about the money.” They’d ask:

“Can you give an example of what you always say about needing to solve a specific problem?”

“Can you give me a clear definition of ‘niche’?”

“Can you tell me more about your main philosophy/ the main way you get results?”

“I still don’t quite understand how you generate leads through Facebook – can you be a little more specific?”

I would do my best to answer these questions in the few minutes we had available on the calls, but it often still wasn’t enough to satisfy people.

Which makes sense – people often need more examples, more explanations, more treatment of a topic from different angles before they fully comprehend it.

Which is exactly what they get when we write one excellent post per day and they get exposed to our methods over a period of time and can digest them better.

You might have client attraction/sales mentors telling you that “think about it” or “not sure about that price” are just “sales objections” – signs of fear or or prospects not being committed to solving their problems.

I don’t know everything, so I can’t say it’s never the case. But, based on my own experience, I can say that my prospects’ uncertainty was largely – if not 100% – my fault for not explaining better.

I mean, the fact that I went from near-constant uncertainty to a flood of people signing up with no objections – without working on my sales skills at all – ought to tell us something, no? 🙂

If you want my help to describe what you do and how you do it – in a way that gives prospects more information than they’re currently getting now from you – that’s a big part of what I work on with folks in my 30-day private intensive.

We use my two content frameworks (the direct offer post and the belief-shifting/lead-generating post) to spell these things out before people ever reach out to you for a sales conversation.

The next step is to DM me on Facebook if you’re interested in the program.

More information about the program (including pricing) is available here.

If you’re interested in teaching my methods to your own clients, I also have a certification program. You can also send me a DM on Facebook if you’re interested in that.

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