No “Meet-And-Greet” Calls Are Necessary When Your Content Gets People Coming to You

One time I had a person cold-DM me asking me to get on a “meet-and-greet” call. I politely declined, as I was full-up with clients and the thought of any more calls without a clear purpose was exhausting.

He persisted, saying that it was silly of me not to take these kinds of calls because they might help grow my business – and how could he find out what I offered or if he could be a potential client if we didn’t hop on a call?

My response?

“Have you read any of my posts? I do talk quite a bit in those about what I offer and who it’s for.”

His response?

“Oh, no, I have my newsfeed turned off.”

All righty then. 😂

The conversation ended there.

I’m not against meet-and-greet calls in principle, but when this particular reason is given for them, it always confuses me. Like, there are other ways to find out what someone offers besides hopping on a call with them. Wouldn’t you explore those ways first?

(Maybe check out their website, their FB page, their posts?)

Unless, of course, your true purpose was maybe to sell THEM on something and you were just using “hey I could maybe be a client for you” as cover for your true purpose.

(Actually, another time quite a few years ago now, I did get on a meet-and-greet call and it ended up being exactly that kind of bait-and-switch. The person who’d said she was “interested in what I offered” started pitching ME on her services. I’m just remembering that now. At the time I was super annoyed but now I just find it hilarious. 😂 )

As I think about it, though, I’m not surprised that most people don’t dig for info before requesting these kinds of calls. Because that’s a lot of work when most websites, FB pages, and posts aren’t clear about what the person offers.

(And by “what they offer” I mean what outcome they provide, who’s their best-fit client, what methods they use to get the outcome, and how they package all of that into a way of working with them. Most people don’t share these details in an easy-to-understand way. They’ll maybe say “my 5 week package” or “my 2 month [incomprehensible name] program” but it’s hard to tell what it’s all about.)

I’m probably unusual in that someone could actually find out exactly what I offer just by scrolling my FB page for a few minutes and reading a handful of posts.

Just know that when your posts are REALLY clear, you will be so overwhelmed with folks contacting you wanting to work with you that you’ll never have to take another meet-and-greet call again to drum up business if you don’t want to.

That’s what’s happened for me – I get a steady stream of folks, an average of one per day, contacting me from my content letting me know they’re interested in working together. Some days, like today, I get 5. 😁

If you’re interested in knowing what to change about your content so that it gets more reach-outs, I’ve written extensively on that topic.

In fact, a couple of weeks back I wrote an awesome roundup post that linked back to a lot of my past posts about lead-generating content. Check it out.

You can also check out my signature training on how to write 500-word offer posts step-by-step.

And my other signature training on how to write lead-generating value content step-by-step.

And really, you can just read any/all of the different posts I’ve written about what it takes to write great offers and content that attracts high-ticket clients.

Enjoy 🙂

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