If You Help People Grow Their Income to A Certain Level, Please Explain How

Tip: If you’re a business coach or other expert who helps businesses to reach a certain income level, you’ll likely get a lot more inquiries for your services (from serious, empowered prospects) if you use your content to spell out HOW you help people to reach that level.

Too many people are just going around saying “we help coaches to reach $10K/month” (or whatever number) and then giving little to no information on what their strategy is for getting there.

Those kinds of claims without evidence or explanation tend to attract the less sophisticated buyers who expect you to wave a magic wand and then blame you when they don’t get the promised results. We don’t want any more of that, do we? πŸ˜‰

Here are some brief possibilities for spelling out your strategy for reaching whatever K months…

For example, do you help coaches who are already selling a $5K service to sell at least two of those services per month?

How do you know that it’s possible to sell two per month? What do your methods allow? What have you seen in your testing of your own and others’ businesses?

Or do you help people to sell a certain number of a $100 offer, plus a certain number of a $500 offer, plus a certain number of $1K packages to reach $5K/month or $10K/month?

How do the numbers add up and what assets (e.g., audience size) need to be in place to hit those numbers with your methods?

By including these details, you actually look believable and not like one of the many people out there who are just saying “$10K/month” (or whatever number) just because it’s a clear outcome and their own coach told them it was compelling – even though they don’t have a clear idea of how they will get someone there.

I have many examples of such specificity dramatically increasing leads and sales for business coaches.

One client of mine recently reported getting something like 7 leads off just one post that broke down the numbers for reaching the income threshold that she helps people to reach.

(“Leads” in this case means people DMing that they’re interested in a specific service which they already know is high-ticket. It’s not just people who comment “yes” to wanting “more information” or a free resource on the topic. I wouldn’t consider those leads.)

And when I started sharing how the numbers work for MY outcomes, my sales objections (like “think about it,” “not sure if this’ll work for me” and “can I talk to your past clients”) dramatically decreased and people started readily handing over their money without too many questions and without even a sales call. (4-8 clients per month, $100K quarters, $300K-$400K years for me now!)

My clients have reached anywhere from $10K/month to $100K/month – and the way my methods get there is by selling at least one high-ticket offer per week to people who saw our Facebook posts.

So if your offer is $2500, that could be a $10K month. If it’s $25,000, that’s a $100K month.

(There are more details behind HOW we write our content so as to get enough leads reaching out from the content to hit those numbers. I’ve explained these details in many other posts! Check out the “client-attracting content” tag on this site to see many of them in one place.)

(And if the desired revenue numbers are not hit from posting to an existing audience, we grow the audience via 50 friend requests per day.)

So now you have a clue about how we actually reach certain income levels in my world. πŸ˜‰ And if you wanted MORE of a clue, I’ve even told you how to find out more.

Explain this kind of stuff in your posts/marketing – don’t wait until the sales conversation. It’s too much for people to absorb in one call and you’ll get objections and doubts.

Also, by holding back the explanation until then, you’ll actually get fewer people asking for sales conversations in the first place because they don’t even slightly believe that you could help them.

The same actually applies even if you’re not a business coach – still explain HOW you get the outcomes you get, so that people can envision what you’ll do with them and why it will work.

Some people who don’t share their “how” are actually hucksters who don’t have a real method for helping people. But you’re not – so let’s not have you sound like one. πŸ˜‰

Figuring out exactly what you need to spell out in your content so that your objections dramatically decrease and you get dramatically more leads (at least 2-7 per week and at least 1 or 2 of those ready to sign up) is a major focus of my 30-day 1:1 program for coaches and other experts.

Past clients of mine have used these content strategies to reach anywhere from $10K/month to $100K/month (the price point of their offer determines where they fall in that range).

In my 30-day program I also give you my proven framework for writing value content in a certain structure with an offer woven in (the stuff about spelling your methods out is a part of this structure) .

And I also give you my proven framework for pitching your offer in a 500-word FB post (there, too, the stuff about spelling your methods out applies).

I help you to customize these to your business, and I review and give feedback on the content that you write in these frameworks.

I also help you with growing your organic audience on your profile (if needed), and with creating or tweaking your high-ticket offer as well as thinking through who’s the best fit for it so you can speak more to that person in your marketing and repel others who don’t fit the profile.

DM me on Facebook if interested in the program and we’ll have a short chat to see if it’s a good fit for you and your business!

And, if you’re a long-time (or even short-time πŸ˜‰ ) follower who is interested in teaching my methods for all of this stuff to your own clients, I have a certification program! DM me on Facebook if interested.

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