“Will People Pay 5K For Me to Set Up Their Website and Lead Magnet?”

One time somebody asked me:

“Will people pay 5k for a package that involves me setting up their website and lead magnet?

“If I could get 20 of those packages per year it would cover most of my financial needs and I could relax about things.”

My answer?

Well, that’s kind of a loaded question.

First of all: no, “people” won’t pay 5k for that. “People” never pay 5k for anything – because “people” are very different from one another.

Rather, a CERTAIN subcategory of “people” are the ones who pay 5k for a certain thing.

I’m amazed at how often entrepreneurs forget this – that there’s a type of person who will value the work you do and a type (or rather, many types) who won’t.

There are many reasons why someone wouldn’t value what you do, but a huge reason that’s often overlooked is that they aren’t in a good position to get big results from it at this stage in their life or business.

That’s the reason I try to get my clients to focus on, because it’s the clearest differentiator between who’s likely to buy your service and who isn’t.

(There are other differentiators, like how much money someone has and whether they “vibe” with you – but those are more nebulous, harder to articulate in your marketing, and less easy to predict whether they’ll affect a purchase.)

So let’s think this through for a moment.

What type of person would be likely to get big results from a service that would set up their website and lead magnet?

Actually, I need more clarity before I can answer that, because I’m not sure what “set up” means.

Does it mean that the person has all their copy ready and the lead magnet completely created and they literally just need you to “set it up” from a TECH perspective?

Like, create the actual website pages where the content will live, publish the site, create the autoresponder and link it up to the lead magnet they’ve already created, that sort of thing?

I asked this person that and she actually said no, it’s NOT just the tech side – she actually helps figure out what the copy on the website should say, and what kind of lead magnet should be offered, and how it should be titled and such, to bring in the right people.


That’s a lot more than I initially thought she offered.

Okay, so I already gained some clarity on this offer that I didn’t have before.

Now back to the original question.

What type of person would be likely to get big results from this kind of service?

Specifically, monetary results, and pretty soon?

Well – it’s probably someone with years of experience doing the work they do, who’s already sold a higher-priced service and knows that people buy it and that it gets good results – but wants to sell more of it.

This is assuming that you have a specific tested-and-proven way of setting up a website, AND of wording things on that website (plus the lead magnet), such that it will get more people into your client’s sales pathway, whatever that may be (booking discovery calls, sending a DM or email to inquire about services, etc.).

And if you’re thinking about charging 5k or 15k or whatever k, I hope you do have a proven method for getting this kind of a result from your websites and lead magnets – because, more often than not, the “proven method for getting a specific result” is the reason why people pay 5k, 15k, or whatever k!

Who’s NOT likely to get results from this kind of service?

Well, the opposite. Someone who hasn’t sold a high-priced package (or any package) before, who doesn’t have years of experience doing what they do, or doesn’t even know what they want to do.

Because they’re most likely not going to start getting premium client enrollments soon after you complete your work with them to be able offset your 5k-15k-whatever k fee right away and then see a great return-on-investment too with a lot more enrollments from that site and lead magnet for years to come.

(Because they need more stuff than just your website/lead magnet service to get that result – they need clarity, experience, self-reflection on who they work best with, sales skills, and more)

You probably want to get a lot more specific even than what I’ve outlined in this post for the ideal client (I only have so much room in these posts πŸ˜‰ but my actual process goes much deeper into the distinctions of what makes someone right for your offer!).

A lot of the stuff I’m saying here might sound obvious, but it isn’t to everyone.

Back when I had never sold premium packages (or any packages for that matter) and hadn’t a clue what my niche was or what results I could help someone to get, lots of “website people” and “lead magnet people” tried to sell me their premium services.

They seemed not to have thought through the question of who’d be likely to see the biggest results from their service.

And, to be fair, they may not even have been thinking of their service in terms of a method to get a specific result.

That’s where the gold is!

I know I talk a lot about needing to be clear in your wording about what your method and process are – but the truth is, you need to be clear in your mind FIRST.

Only then can you get clearer in your wording.

This means that you actually need to HAVE a method and process for getting a specific result.

Before you can talk about one. πŸ˜‰

This is what a lot of people miss in their rush to enroll clients and make money. I know that you have great skills, but it’s going to be harder to get people to invest higher amounts with you just based on talking about your skills.

e.g. “I’ll help you figure out what to put on/in your website and your lead magnet and then set them up for you!” (SKILLS)

Versus “I have a specific method for setting up a website and lead magnet in such a way as to attract 2-3 discovery call bookings per week for your already-proven 5k service from SEO traffic.” (METHOD AND RESULT)

(and then say what that method is, of course)

Now, the good news… if you’ve worked with a lot of clients, and some have gotten amazing results (even if some others haven’t)… you most likely DO have a process.

You just haven’t really thought it through to the point that you can articulate it.

This is actually what I most enjoy helping my clients with.

Many people know me as “the copy gal” or “the one who helps people write great client-attracting long-form posts for FB” but the truth is, my work goes much deeper than that.

I actually work with you several steps BEFORE you create the copy – to get clear in your own mind on who you work best with and what exactly you do with them to create certain results (and what those results are).

That’s before we EVER work on the wording or on fitting the wording to the Strong Method framework (which is my framework for writing direct offers and value content to get perfect fit leads).

I’ve now helped hundreds of people in every niche imaginable (not just business offers) to think through who they work best with, what results the best clients have seen, and how they got those results.

Some have said the investment to work with me was worth it from just that piece alone – to finally have the realization of these things in their own mind.

But you get more, oh so much more! πŸ˜‰

You also get my feedback on how to fit your newfound clarity to actual wording within my two proven post-writing frameworks: the offer post (about 500 words) and the belief-shifting/lead-generating/value-giving post (about 1,000 words).

And you also get my help to cut down your sales process to only the most-essential piece of asking targeted questions to see if this person is actually a good fit and who you said you wanted in your posts (removing all the other stuff that doesn’t help, like the questions to help them feel their pain).

And I share with you my process for doing ALL of that over DM, even without a call if you choose (because with a short sales process, it often doesn’t need to be a call!).

I do all of this work in a 30-day private intensive – with the option to extend the time frame for more copy feedback if you wish.

This program is, of course, the best fit for those who have a lot of experience doing the work they do, have examples of great client results, and are not looking to shift/pivot into something new.

I’m also working on a certification program for those who would like to teach my methods (known collectively as the Strong Method) for getting clarity on results/processes/ideal clients, and for writing the two types of posts.

You’ll learn my processes for helping clients to get this clarity and for teaching these methods and evaluating the copy for its adherence (or not) to the Strong Method frameworks.

If you’re interested in working with me privately OR taking the certification program (or both), the next step is to simply send me a DM on FB and we’ll have a chat to see if you’re in a good position to get results.

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