Why Not a Lot of People Sign Up for Your Lead Magnet or Free Thingy

I used to post all the time about my different free webinars/pdfs/training thingys that would help people make $10K/month. And wonder why so few signed up for them.

Looking back now, it’s so obvious why that didn’t work too well.

Scads of people are posting about how they have a thingy that can help you make $10K/month. People are desensitized to that promise, and also jaded because they think they’ve heard it all in terms of the strategies etc. So they really don’t want to take time to watch/download something else that isn’t likely to be anything different from what they’ve heard or tried before.

You know what DID work for me?

Actually cutting out the “middleman” of the free thingy and just giving my insights about how to make $10K/month right in my posts.

Funny thing was when I did that, my income jumped up to $30K+/month and stayed there. 😉

So now you just learned one of the biggest secrets to making $30K/month: Give your unique processes and insights away right in your posts without sending people off to a free thingy. Don’t make them jump through hoops to get the info because most won’t.

(Unless you’re famous or have otherwise built a really strong brand. This advice is for us “normal” people who just have a powerful skillset for solving problems and not much else ;))

This is what I call “shortening your funnel.” And it results in many (MANY) more people messaging you with interest in your offers – and consequently, you can make many (MANY) more sales.

If you don’t make at least $10K/month (and, more likely, $20K-$30K) from implementing this, you might be able to use my help. I have a 30-day intensive for experienced coaches and consultants (and a few service pros) where I help them to refine their high-ticket offer and write the posts that give enough insight away that they get a lead every time they post.

DM me on Facebook if interested and we’ll chat to see if the program may be a fit for you and your business.

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