Why It Can Be Hard to Enroll Clients Via the Webinar-to-Discovery-Call Method

Let’s talk about why it’s hard to enroll clients using the widely taught webinar-to-discovery-call method and why it’s much easier using my FB-posts-inviting-a-DM method.

Over the past few months I’ve had an unusual number of clients sign up with me who were previously using a webinar funnel, and many of them have remarked how much easier and more fun it is to get sales using my method.

We’ve had some great conversations about why that is, and I wanted to share some reflections below.

The main thing I’ve heard over and over is that their prospects from the webinar funnel seemed to only have a dim understanding, if any at all, about what they did with their clients and how their program worked.

Consequently, prospects were full of doubts about whether the process was any different from what they’d tried previously, whether they could really get results in such a short time frame (in an 8-week or 12-week program), and so forth.

And these funnel programs generally teach that you should go for the “one-call close” (a “yes” or “no” by the end of the call) NO MATTER WHAT.

They do teach that you should give a high-level explanation of the process that you use in the program, but if the prospect has any doubts after that, you’re supposed to launch into an “objection handling” script that has nothing to do with giving a better or more complete explanation of your methods to better satisfy the prospect’s very legitimate concerns.

Rather, the script is about questioning the prospect’s commitment to themselves and to getting the result they want, and whether it serves them to delay any longer on making a decision for their business/health/life. And, ultimately, letting them know that if they do not decide right now, the investment for the program will go up substantially.

This kind of script felt robotic and inauthentic to many of my clients, who realized deep-down that their webinar in fact necessarily left out a lot of details that would be relevant to understanding their program and how it works (after all, there’s only so much you can teach/explain in an hour-long video that’s also supposed to include a lot of pain-points-prodding and other fluff) and that it would actually be better to fully answer prospects’ questions before making them decide.

My method actually allows for this!

We don’t do anything to make people decide or even to “help” them decide – other than explaining our amazing methods really, really well, both in posts and over Messenger.

[If your method is not actually amazing, then you should disregard this entire post and instead get to work on developing an amazing method that gets results ;)]

What I love about Messenger sales is that it’s a low-pressure method that allows us to meet our prospect wherever they happen to be on their journey of understanding of what we do with our clients and how we do it.

Often, when you write your content in the way I teach (giving very complete and detailed explanations of your process so there’s no mystery in readers’ minds), prospects will come to you so well educated about your process that they’ll only have a few questions about working with you.

And the questions will be simple things like “how often do we meet? When can I start?” And you can easily and quickly answer those questions and convert them over Messenger.

On the other hand, some prospects will come to you not having consumed as much of your content, and they will not be as well educated about your process as those who’ve binged on everything you’ve ever written.

My method allows for that as well!

If someone comes to me over Messenger and seems to not understand the full spectrum of what I do, I’ll simply point them to a relevant post or video that will fill in their understanding, and I’ll invite them to come back and resume the conversation after they’ve consumed that piece of content.

It’s very simple – it just takes a few seconds for me to respond to them and it’s no skin off my back.

(In the past when I did calls, it was frustrating because I’d go through the whole pain-points-prodding script and finally get to the point where I tried to sell the program, AND THEN realize the prospect knew almost nothing about my methods, and therefore were not ready to be sold, so I’d end the call and ask them to read/watch certain pieces of content and come back to me – and feel a huge letdown that I just wasted a 90-minute sales call slot that could’ve been used for someone else who was more ready.)

Now, I feel no urgency to convert people “right now” when I know they need to understand my method better before they’ll be really comfortable saying yes.

And I know that they’ll naturally convert in time once they understand (provided they feel attracted to the method and feel it matches up well with their personal style and the way they want to do business).

And the loose, detached approach allows for all of us to be who we are and not worry about saying the “wrong” thing. The funnel programs get you so scared of that.

(“Don’t reveal the price too early! Don’t give too many details in your explanation! Don’t let them ask too many questions about your process…this is all about how committed they are! Don’t go off-script in your objection handling! Don’t…” ugh.)

When you have an amazing method and explain it really well in your content, the truth is that none of those “mistakes” in the conversation will make or break a sale.

Because the prospect believes you have a process that works and will work for them, and the most interested ones will keep pushing the Messenger conversation forward and asking what they feel they need to know to say yes. You really cannot mess it up.

I’m actually terrible at “objection handling,” keeping the “right” syntax for a sales chat, being in the right “energy” and “leadership,” holding back on my explanations, and so many other things that are taught in sales.

And with my method, it’s never mattered. 😉 Enough people still say yes to me that I make $300K/year (and growing). That’s with nobody working for me and almost no expenses.

And it’s been such a delight to see so many clients finally feeling free of these kinds of constraints too, and using a method that feels so much more authentic and allows them to actually be who they are and love their business again.

If you’re exhausted by the traditionally taught methods and want to scale higher with a lot more ease and fun, why haven’t you tried FB-posts-to-Messenger yet?

I’m happy to answer any questions about the method in the comments here, or point you to more of my resources to help you learn. Or, of course, to help you 1-on-1 in my 30-day intensive. 🙂

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