When It Comes to Your Offer, Clear Beats Clever

Clear beats clever every time.

I recently saw a program entitled “The Embody Sales Bootcamp” and I got to thinking about how many sales that person is probably missing out on because of how unclear the title is. (How ironic, right?)

Even the copy about the program seemed really fluffy and didn’t tell me much about the actual outcome that the program was aimed at achieving.

I mean… huh? What’s “embody sales”?

How about “my 8 week program that helps high ticket coaches go from a 10-20% close rate to a 40-70% close rate?”

And dispense with the cutesy name altogether?

Or maybe increasing the close rate is not the intended outcome. I certainly couldn’t tell from the copy. Maybe it’s about helping people to feel better about asking for more money. Fine, then – how about “my 8 week program that helps coaches and consultants go from charging hourly fees and undervaluing themselves to charging flat fees of $3K or more per package.”

You do not need a clever name to sell out a program. You don’t need any name at all, actually!

My clients and I have done hundreds of thousands in sales of coaching programs and done-for-you services from simple Facebook and Instagram posts – none of which ever mention a name of the program!

It is more than good enough to say “my 6-month program that takes women in their 30s and 40s from 20-30 lbs overweight to their ideal weight while eating more and getting that toned look that they’ve wanted for so long.”

Or “my 3-month private intensive that helps highly-skilled/trained women to deal with and clear out the head trash that’s stopping them from realizing their long-held dream.”

Or… insert any demographic, any Point A they’re starting from, and any Point B you’re taking them to.

I think a lot of people overspend their time trying to come up with cutesy or flowery wording for something (or to come up with visual branding, graphics, etc.) when the underlying problem is that they aren’t clear on what they actually intend to do with clients in the program and what result it should get for the right person.

(Or they are clear somewhere in the deep recesses of their mind but they aren’t SAYING those things clearly. I find that one a lot with folks who’ve been doing what they do for a long time and are too deep into it to realize that the way they’re describing it doesn’t make sense to other people.)

This is not a criticism of people who have branded names/visuals for their program. I’m just letting you know that you can absolutely make multiple-six figures a year selling your high-ticket program at least once per week from very simple social media posts without having any of that stuff. My clients and I are doing exactly that!

Clarity is king! The rest is just optional details. 😉

If you need help sorting this stuff out, DM me on Facebook. I work 1:1 with folks in a 30-day intensive to clarify their offer, outcome, and ideal client.

I also give you my frameworks for my two proven types of lead-generating posts for social media (because it’s not enough to just state a clear outcome for your program – you also need to show HOW you’ll get that outcome!), and provide detailed feedback on sample posts that you’ll write.

(See here and here for more on the two types of posts)

We also work out where/how you’ll grow your organic social media audience and how you can enroll clients over DM (if you wish) by qualifying them in the simplest way possible.

Also, I teach a TON of this stuff for free – click the links in this post, explore this website and check out my free FB group Organic High Ticket Sales for Coaches & Experts too. 😉

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