The Best Clients Will Accept Your Deepest Work Right Away and Don’t Need a Surface-Level Thing First

The thinking behind the “ascension model” is usually that you sell someone a surface-level thing in order to get them to see that they need the deeper thing.

(because they try the surface-level thing and realize it doesn’t fully get them the transformation)

It may indeed be true for some people that they need to try surface-level and fail before they’ll admit they need the deeper stuff.

(As my elders were fond of teaching me when I was a young gal, “some people have to learn the hard way” πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ )

But for others, they’re totally willing to accept the deeper stuff right away… if only they know it exists!

These are actually the best clients in my experience.

They soak up everything you give them like a sponge and implement at lightning speed.

And the irony is that they are also the ones who are least likely to even enter the low end of your funnel in the first place to go through your ascension model… because they don’t think they have any time to waste, and they want the full transformation as quickly as possible.

You’ll do these folks a favor by not assuming that it’ll be hard to get them to accept your deepest work.

You need only tell them about it (in a clear way) and they’ll be on board. πŸ™‚

In fact, I would even go further, and suggest that not only do you do them a favor by telling them, you do the ethical thing.

Because $5K for something that gets them the result is a bargain, but $500 for something that doesn’t is a waste.

One of the things I’m best at is helping coaches and experts to write about work that is deep and complex.

So, if you’ve been wanting to sell your higher-ticket (deeper) offer directly to the public (i.e. not through an ascension model where they have to buy something else first), but having a hard time using your content to explain what it’s about, perhaps we should work together. πŸ™‚

If interested, the next step is to send me a private message on Facebook and let me know that you’re interested in my 30-day 1-on-1 intensive program.

If you’re interested in teaching my methods to your own clients, I have a certification program available. Also send me that private message if you’re interested in that. πŸ™‚

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