How to Stop Attracting People Who Don’t See Value in Your Services or Aren’t Ready to Invest

I know a huge pain point for so many is attracting people who don’t see value in their services or otherwise aren’t ready to invest.

So let’s talk about how to stop that from happening, shall we?

The way I see it, there are roughly two types of people: the type who sees value in coaching or professional services and the type who doesn’t.

And you really can’t change someone into the “sees value” type if they’re not already.

What you CAN do, is shift the way you show up to ALIGN better with the “sees value” type and call them forward.

I’ll talk about how to do that shortly, but first – it’s worth taking a moment to explore what these two types and their mindsets look like.

The “sees value” type often earns well and/or has wealth or a level of financial stability (i.e. – not living paycheck to paycheck).

But, this isn’t always true.

I find that sometimes people go through phases – like maybe they once had a well-paying job and don’t anymore, so finances are tight for them right now, but they still have the mindset of a person who knows that they can get back to a better place financially, and so they still find ways to invest if they recognize something that they believe is right for them.

Other times, a person perhaps never did earn a super high salary, but has still managed to scrimp and save so that they have some amount of savings/wealth, and they really want to eventually become a high earner, and have already begun to step into that identity and mindset.

And sometimes this kind of person still has the “sees value” mindset even if they DON’T have savings/wealth!

(This is the person who – just for example – really WANTS to be in the room with all the high earners at the business mastermind even though their numbers aren’t there yet – because they just have this future vision of themselves in their mind’s eye as one day having achieved that.)

The “sees value” type is the person who has goals (often lots of goals) and is looking for ways to achieve them as quickly as possible, because they know that they don’t have an infinite amount of time on this earth.

And they understand that hiring a coach, mentor, or service provider who can either shorten their learning curve or get things done for them is a huge piece of the equation to getting more goals achieved more quickly.

When I used to do sales calls for my services, it was very interesting to me that some people would say “I don’t have money, so I can’t do your program” – yet others would say “I don’t have money right now, but I see the value in this – I know it’ll help me get where I want to go faster – so I’m going to see if my friend or my sister will sponsor me to join the program.”

Both types didn’t have money, but one had the “I see value” mindset and the other didn’t.

And I treated everybody the same on my calls (i.e. – almost never tried to handle objections or convince because I hated it), so as far as I know, this difference wasn’t due to anything I said or did. It was just where they were coming from.

Now, for the “doesn’t see value” type.

Sometimes this is the person who is living paycheck to paycheck, but not always.

I know people in my personal life who are multimillionaires who will balk at a program/service that costs $5K because “that’s too much money” even though it could transform their life and they can definitely afford it.

I also know people who earn a very small salary, yet somehow managed to come up with $3K for a vacation, yet when presented with a coaching program costing $3K for an area of their life that they want to get better handled, say, “I’ll never be able to afford that, so I’ll just have to get this figured out on my own.”

Again, above all, it’s a mindset. It doesn’t necessarily correlate with how much money they have (or can get their hands on).

Also, the more I think about the “doesn’t see value” types in my own life, the more I have a hunch (based on things they say and do) that they really don’t have that attitude of “I know I’m meant to achieve this goal or get that area of my life handled, and I want to do so as quickly as possible.”

And when I say that, I don’t mean it with the touch of condescension that you hear a lot of the time from business/sales coaches… “Hmmm, that person just doesn’t want to transform their life badly enough.”

No – I’m not making them wrong for not having that fierce mindset to change their life or achieve a bunch of goals. Sometimes that can be exhausting, and not everyone is that type of person.

So, again, I’m not making them wrong – I’m just making an observation about their state of mind, and conceding that it’s unrealistic to expect that we can influence this type of person to do a 180 and instantly become this gung-ho person who wants to achieve a bunch of stuff and have paid help to do it.

(We MIGHT be able to influence them to hand over a credit card number if we convince and pressure and objection-handle – but that won’t flip their mindset or make them into the other type of person, which is why so many of these folks end up calling back to cancel the charge on their credit card or show up in a disempowered way if they do go ahead with the program.)

So now that we’ve accepted that people are who they are and
rarely change such deeply-ingrained mindsets unless they truly want to, how can we move forward with consistently enrolling the types who do already see value and want to change their lives?

(and not get derailed with frustration over all the other folks)

Well, let’s begin with a question.

How would you show up in your marketing and sales process if you knew you were only trying to signal to the “sees value” type that what you offer is what they need?

And that you weren’t trying to convince the “doesn’t see value” type to be more motivated or have more goals or to realize that the cost of help is less than the cost of their problem or to understand that a coach can help them make faster progress?

Think about it for a sec and then I’ll share some ideas. 😉

You’d probably stop putting out all the content about “it’s time to take action” and “here’s what it’s costing you not to solve this problem,” right?

(because you know that the “sees value” type already wants to take action and already knows what it’s costing them not to)

You’d probably get more specific in your content about what your program/offer is and what it costs and how it’s set up, right?

(because you know that the “sees value” type already knows they want to invest, isn’t afraid to, and doesn’t want to waste time trying to sleuth out all your details because they’ve got goals to achieve and they’re not getting any younger!)

And you’d probably share much meatier content about what your methods are and how they solve problems, right? Rather than all the “free marketing templates” and “free glute exercises” and “5 tips to attract ‘the one'”?

(because you know that the “sees value” type has likely already been trying to hit their goals for a while, has already tried the 5 tips or the glute exercises or filling in content templates, and is looking for something more sophisticated to get truly stunning results)

These shifts are quite simple (I was able to make them almost overnight to have my multiple-six-figure breakthrough 3.5 years ago) – but I know that not everyone will make them.

I think that’s because some people are actually convinced that if they did all these things, their business would dry up overnight because there just aren’t enough “sees value” types out there.

They think they have to stay open to the “doesn’t see value and need to be convinced” types in order to stay afloat and keep making money.

(Am I right or am I right?)

The thing is, as with so many things in life, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Some people have been doing all the vague and convince-y marketing and sales methods for so long that they don’t realize what a turnoff they are to the “sees value” types.

They don’t realize that the way they’re showing up is actually attracting the “doesn’t see value” type and repelling the “sees value” type.

(because the “doesn’t see value” type has the DIY mentality, hasn’t necessarily tried super-hard to achieve goals, and doesn’t have a sophisticated understanding of possible solutions – which means they’re wowed by much more basic content and messaging, and intrigued by vague offers that don’t mention the price, because hey, they might be free or super low cost!)

I see this phenomenon as similar to that person we all know who always seems to attract unhealthy partners, yet doesn’t realize that they’re showing up to their life in a very negative or critical way – and that this might have something to do with who they’re attracting.

All I can say is that when I switched my way of marketing and selling, I was stunned at the number of folks who came forward and easily paid my fees of $3K-$15K+ and didn’t need to be convinced at all. (In fact, that was when I eliminated sales calls!)

They had been there all along – they just couldn’t “see” me until I started showing up in a way that was a match for them.

I get similar reports from folks who work with me to learn my model and implement it into their own businesses.

Speaking of which…

…this way of marketing and selling has actually become a model that I’ve gradually built up over the years with blueprints and protocols that have become more and more detailed.

It’s a way of packaging and communicating high-ticket offers as well as marketing them through content – and even audience-building without paid ads.

And the whole model has become known as the Strong Method™.

If you want my help to implement this method so that you can consistently attract only the “sees value” types for your high-ticket services without sales calls, objections, or “don’t-see-value” types leaking through and sucking your energy… I offer a 30-day private intensive (with the option to extend the time frame) to help you!

We work on packaging an offer that’s going to be a great match for the empowered, sophisticated type of client (or tweaking the one you already have), communicating the offer in the Strong Method™ 500-word offer post framework, writing the in-depth value content that convinces this client that you have the approach that’s going to work for them, building your audience, and qualifying/enrolling the folks who inquire with you over DM.

More information about this program is available here.

If you’re interested in the program, the next step is to send me a DM on Facebook. We’ll have a short chat over Messenger to make sure it’s a good fit for you and your business. If it is, I’ll enroll you over Messenger and you can get started as soon as next week.

The link above also contains my qualifying questions, so you can even prepare answers to those and include them in your first message to me if you want to expedite our chat even more. 🙂

If you want to peep the Strong Method™ protocols and blueprints a bit more before reaching out for my help (which I encourage, as you’ll be better prepared for our work together), I suggest starting on this website with the “Strong Method summaries” section.

There you’ll find a few posts that summarize the method and give links to video trainings and further information about each part of it.

Questions or thoughts on what I shared here? Love to hear ’em! 🙂

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1 comment… add one
  • Adam Brensen Sep 15, 2023 @ 5:37

    I love this! Thank you 😊

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