Overdoing It On “Giving Value” is a Turnoff to Empowered High-Paying Clients

Overdoing it on “giving value” is likely turning off the people who would be most likely to pay you for your support and have the financial resources to do so easily.

I just spent some time reviewing some coaching websites whose owners would definitely NEVER get me as a client. Because they’re making it way too hard.

Some things I saw on these websites:

–“Take our FREE assessment and then sign up for a FREE call to review the results! This is NOT a sales call, we will NOT pitch you on our program! We just want to provide you value!”

–“Sign up for my FREE upcoming self-care challenge! There is NO obligation to buy anything, I’ll make an invitation to join my paid course at the end but it is totally up to you!”

–And conspicuously ABSENT from these websites was an easy way to find out what their paid high-touch program is. You know, the thing that would ACTUALLY get me the dramatic results I’m looking for.

–Also conspicuously absent was some very simple, easy-to-read content that tells me more about the methods that are used in that program to get the results, how and why they work so well for people like me.

(just so I can feel assured that they do know what they’re talking about and that theirs is a method I would like to use)

Back when I signed up with one of my first businesses coaches, they were ALL ABOUT this “I won’t sell you, don’t worry I won’t sell you” approach.

It was a disaster.

One of the things they had me do was to offer a “free client attraction assessment” (1-on-1 free calls with lots of people) and then add those people to my email list in the hopes that after the free-value call AND lots of free-value emails, some of those folks would eventually ask about working with me.

(though we made it really hard for that to happen because none of the emails ever pitched my offer – only ANOTHER call to “talk about working together!”)

I spent hours and hours conducting these calls, and surprise surprise – almost no one ever asked about working with me.

And several of them even got mad about receiving my emails just because they merely mentioned working together.

One person sent one that pierced my heart and that I still remember to this day:

She told me just how upset she was that she “thought I was wanting to provide value to her” and “now after getting the emails she sees that I was only ever trying to get her money and get clients for myself.”

I mean, the horror! That as a business owner I would actually want/need to make money! And this was only the softest of invitations, and somehow this person was still mad about that!

Know how to stop this kind of time-wasting nonsense from happening?

Stop offering the kinds of things that attract freebie-seekers. Namely, freebies!

For a long time I told myself the story that no one wanted to pay for anything.

Now it’s laughable that I ever thought that – as I easily enroll 4-8 people per month who are more than happy to pay my multi-thousand dollar fees.

Yesterday I signed up for a fantastic program that I’m sure is going to help me a ton with some personal issues I’m facing right now.

I signed up precisely because this person did not make me go through a bunch of rigamarole to find out what they do and how they do it.

They didn’t make me take a free assessment and get on a free no-pitch call. Good, because I have no time to waste with that. I want the full solution, the full coaching over time that will actually solve my problem.

They didn’t make me get on a sales call to prod my pain points and ask how bad my life is going to be if I don’t make this change. Good, because I already know that and don’t need to articulate it before I’ll be willing to buy.

All they did was share a few Facebook posts that caught my attention because they actually revealed some meaningful information about how to solve my problem. And they spelled out what the offer’s container actually was – what outcome could be expected and what types of concepts would be worked on with their clients in order to reach said outcome.

As someone who values my time far more than my money, this was all I needed in order to become sold.

Within less than 24 hours of contacting them, I had paid, joined the program, had my first coaching call, and am now happily on my way to the changes I seek.

Notable is that I never even joined their email list or checked out any of their freebies.

If you want to attract people who have money [or access to it] and don’t blink at spending it with an expert who’s the best at what they do, stop offering all the things they DON’T need in order to be sold.

In my 30 day private intensive I help coaches and other experts to write the type of simple content that gets me and other high-ticket clients sold on working with them (so they can cut out all the other fluff that only attracts freebie-seekers). This is in the form of short social media posts and/or emails.

One type of post directly pitches your offer in 500 words or less. The other type shares more information about your methods and how they work to get the results that your offer gets (and also weaves in your offer).

Together, they get daily reach-outs from the types of people who actually value coaching (or whatever services you offer) and can afford to pay for it.

Doesn’t that sound great? 😉

DM me on Facebook if you’re interested in having my help to do this and we will have a very quick chat to see if the program is a good fit. If it is, we get you started right away (I won’t make you do an enrollment call or anything else to take up your precious time).

If you want more information first about how I help people to refine their offers and content and enrollment process, check out more posts and/or videos on the website here.

Feel free to also DM me on Facebook or tag me in my Facebook group (or comment on this post) if you have a specific question about my methods and I’ll point you to the best post or video to answer your question.

Enjoy 🙂

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