MYTH: “You Don’t Need to Learn More – the Issue Is Your Mindset”

“More information won’t get you more clients…”

My various coaches told me this for years.

“You know enough. The issue is your mindset. You just need to do a better job at implementing what you already know.”

Turns out – this was NOT correct! 😳

When I look back to those years when I was joining every “how-to-get-clients” program under the sun, it’s really obvious that there was actually TONS I didn’t know about how to get clients.

Here are just a few examples of things I didn’t know that I now do, which indeed helped me get a TON more clients (I only got a handful per year back then paying less than 5k each, and now get 60-70 per year paying 5k-15k each):

  1. I didn’t know that having every call-to-action be to “book a discovery call” wasn’t the most effective – I got far more people contacting me (and enrolling!) when I invited them to begin a casual DM text chat instead, because it was more approachable and allowed people to ask questions about the program and get clarity BEFORE they were totally sure that they were interested enough to book a call.

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that actually spelling out the specifics of my paid offer in my marketing would get more people interested and DMing me (as opposed to saying “I offer a variety of programs to solve […blank…] problem(s)” and leaving the details for the sales conversation).

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that I could pitch a paid offer in pretty much every piece of content I published and, not only would the vast majority of people NOT get mad or unsubscribe/unfollow me, but my inquiries/sales would actually go up because the paid offers were getting more eyeballs on them.

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that spelling out my methods more in my content would get more people DMing me about working together and having fewer questions/objections to working together (this was counter-intuitive since everyone teaches that you shouldn’t share your “how”).

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that charging high-ticket fees (5k-100k) is NOT best for people who don’t have a ton of experience at the work they do (as I didn’t back then) and that people would have been more likely to buy from me at a lower price when I was just gaining experience – instead I got zero clients month after month for all my “high-ticket” programs 😬

(more on this here)

  1. I CERTAINLY didn’t know that clients would enroll over Messenger (!) without a sales call AT ALL – and that, in fact, the most sophisticated buyers who expect to pay higher-ticket fees are often really turned off by having to get on a call and go through the whole song and dance of having their pain points pushed and the price held back until the end etc. etc. Turns out there was an entire huge untapped market there.

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that sharing “1, 2, 3” list-type content about how to get a result wasn’t that effective at attracting sophisticated higher-paying clients and that I needed break up the 1, 2, 3 more and focus on one micro-topic per piece of content.

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that sharing my price publicly would actually INCREASE the number of clients I got and save me from so many other unpleasant things: long sales calls with people who wouldn’t ever invest, price objections and complaints, and so much more.

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that I could actually sell a high-ticket package to someone who had never purchased anything from me before – that I would actually almost 10X my income when I ditched the model of “sell low-ticket things and only pitch high-ticket to the people who’ve purchased cheaper things already.”

(more on this here)

  1. I didn’t know that people who were already doing pretty well in their business were actually more likely to want my help and to spend more to get it – and that by using all the “pushing pain points” techniques in marketing copy and on sales calls, I was actually targeting more of the clients whose businesses were a “hot mess” and dramatically limiting my sales AND my profitability (because I had to spend so much time talking to tons of disempowered types just to get one sale).

(more on this here)

There’s more. So much more that I didn’t know back then.

But I hope the point is made.

If you feel fuzzy on how to do certain things to get clients or feel like a certain aspect of your strategy (like messaging, marketing, or sales process) is “off” or needs more clarity – trust that.

Not knowing enough is, indeed, a “thing.”

It’s not necessarily your mindset that’s the problem (though that could, of course, be part of it).

After years of doing all the ineffective things and dialing it all in, I’ve developed a sharp eye for diagnosing what’s off about other people’s messaging, copy, offers, ideal client description/targeting, sales processes, and more.

I’ve now clocked in almost 1,000 client-session hours helping people with this stuff, too.

With loads of them saying the clarity they got from the work with me was sharper than they’d gotten anywhere else.

I’d be happy to welcome you as my next client if you want this too.

My container for doing this is a 30-day private (1-on-1) program where we review and sharpen up “all the things” about your business.

If you’re interested, the (very simple) next steps are described at the bottom of the page I just linked to. 🙂

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