If You Give All Your Insights Away In Your Posts, What More is There to Share With Paying Clients?

I’d like to address the question, “If you give all your insights away in your posts, what more is there to share with paying clients?”

I get this question sometimes because I often talk about how you need to spell out what you do and how you do it as much as possible in marketing so that people come to you pre-sold and understanding what they’ll be getting if they sign up.

Here’s the answer to “what more insight is there to share if you give it all away:”

Clients don’t pay for MORE insight. They pay for help APPLYING the publicly-available insight to their unique situation.

To take but one example, I’ve said a thousand times in my free material that your posts need to focus on a PROBLEM if you want to get leads/clients from them.

I’ve even given plenty of examples of what I mean by that.

Yet, most people still have trouble seeing what a “problem” really looks like for their business.

In fact, I had 5 different client sessions last week, and 4 out of the 5 focused almost the entire time on a discussion of what key PROBLEMS their ideal clients need to hear about in these posts.

These problems were specific to their business and expertise, of course.

I will sometimes spend 15 minutes or more with someone analyzing a post and figuring out why the “problem” part isn’t connecting for me.

Usually it’s because the way they’re wording it is just a couple degrees off from how their CLIENT would word it.

There are tons of other examples of stuff that folks miss or don’t get quiiiiite right until they work with me. That’s partly because they haven’t spent 8 years obsessing over developing and optimizing this method like I have. 😉

And it’s partly because we all have blind spots and stuff we can’t see from inside and need to have pointed out by a third party.

(As evidenced by the fact that some of the folks who’ve hired me are talented messaging experts in their own right.)

If you really have a deep, meaningful expertise that’s been developed over a long period of time, it’s time to stop worrying that people could somehow replicate that just by reading your Facebook posts. That is just silly.

They may get SOME results, which is good. This method of sharing gives prospects a chance to “test” what you teach before hiring you, to see if it even works at all.

If they get any result at all, that can help them to feel confident moving forward with hiring you.

Many of my clients have told me exactly that – that they tried some of the posting methods that I teach on their own, got some leads, realized I was “the real deal” and were really excited to have me look over their stuff to see what they could optimize so they could get leads CONSISTENTLY.

True mastery of any subject comes from APPLYING the concepts over and over and getting direct feedback from… well, a master.

And that’s the amazing thing about coaching that clients can’t get anywhere else – not from a self-study course, not from a book, not from a webinar.

Coaching is irreplaceable… as are you. <3

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