How to Get More People Seeing Your Facebook Content in Ways That Don’t Depend on the Algorithm

I’ve talked a lot about how you can still get the FB algorithm to show your posts, even in 2022 when so much is changing.

But today I want to make a completely separate point: you can get lots of people viewing your content in ways that actually aren’t connected to the algorithm at all.

What I mean is:

If you learn the Strong Method™ way of writing (that’s my method, for those who are new here), you’ll probably be the most interesting person that your FB friends are connected to.

(or one of the most interesting)

This way of writing fascinates and delights (the right) people, draws them in from the first sentence, and keeps them reading to the end.

People are often mind-blown or become fans after reading just ONE post from us that follows this method.

So, even if the algorithm just shows ONE of your posts, and someone sees just that one, that may be all it’ll take before they decide that they want to make sure to keep up with everything you write.

Which means they’ll do whatever they need to do to keep up with you – even just keep manually visiting your profile periodically to see if there’s anything new.

(My clients and I have gotten feedback from some of our followers that they do this to keep up with our content! And I do this myself for certain people I don’t want to miss. Their content is just so good that they’re always top-of-mind for me, and I never forget to go check out what they’ve written lately.)

But there’s more…

(this is the “not-connected-to-the-algorithm” part)

If you’re following the Strong Method™ way of attracting clients, you’ll be requesting 50 new friends each day.

Which means that every single day, you have 50 chances for someone to get curious and visit your profile – because your friend request popped up, and they’ll definitely see that (unlike what they may or may not see in their feed) and want to know who you are.

And, once again, all they need to do is start reading the very first post at the top of your feed to realize that you’re someone they want to keep up with – even though they just found out about your existence.

(Again… I have had many people say this about the experience of receiving a friend request from me and starting to check out my profile… and my clients have made similar reports)

So, just like the person who sees your content a mere one time in their feed, they might make a plan then and there to make sure not to miss any of what you post.

This way of seeing your content, of course, isn’t connected to the algorithm at all.

There are other non-algorithm-dependent ways for your content to make the rounds, too – like one of your diehard fans tagging their friends in the comments section of your post (again, happens all the time with Strong Method™ style posts).

Fascinating content transcends algorithms! And I believe it always will.

If this message encouraged you, and you want to have help implementing the Strong Method™ (or just learn more about it), I have three (3) possible next steps for you:

1) Contact me via Facebook DM and let me know that you’re interested in having free feedback from me on your posts.

This is an excellent option if you’re trying to write fascinating content, but want to know if you have blind spots that might just be causing the content not to connect with readers the way you want it to.

I have a specific way that I ask for you to send me that message so I can give the feedback as efficiently as possible. Please see this page for more information.

2) Contact me via Facebook DM about the possibility of joining my 1:1 private intensive where I give a ton of personalized feedback and help to craft and refine these posts, and give you your own blueprint (which addresses your unique blind spots) for eventually writing these posts without help.

This is (very) different from the free feedback. With the free feedback, I’m just giving a short summary of things I notice that aren’t clear. With this paid offer, we go super in-depth on HOW TO FIX those things to be more clear.

More information on the private intensive can be found here.

3) And finally: if you are not familiar with the Strong Method™, or want to get MORE familiar, I suggest checking out this post as a starting point.

Feel free to leave questions or thoughts here! 🙂

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