A lot of people think they’ve “tried everything” to get consistent clients from Facebook…
…but they actually have a lot of blind spots about what they’re doing, and they don’t realize that there are changes they could make to get MUCH better results.
In this post I’d love to share what some of those changes are.
Before I dive in and spell them out for you, I do want you to know that these things have been tested and proven! I, too, had no idea what a difference they would make.
I used to only get a small number of clients per year and earn around $30k-$40k (and a lot of the clients were REALLY hard to enroll, with tons of questions and objections even for offers that were only $500-$2000, and some weren’t a great fit even after they did sign up and pay).
When I implemented these changes that I’m about to share with you, my business blew up and I started earning around $300k/year or more, with people easily paying $5k-$10k+ with very few questions/objections, over text/Messenger without even a sales call, and almost all ending up being a great fit for the work, happy with the programs and getting results.
So let’s talk about what changes you can make to get similar results (or even better results, if your results already look like mine).
These things are all part of a method I created for packaging high-ticket offers and attracting clients, and it’s known as the Strong Method™.
Here we go:
1. Have an actual strategy for making sure that your audience grows on a daily basis.
I’m currently doing free reviews of people’s content and strategy for attracting clients, and I’ve been amazed at what some people have shared with me about their (lack of) audience growth strategy.
Some have told me, “I post in Facebook groups and occasionally someone will follow my business page. So every couple of weeks I might get one or two new people following my page.”
That was what I used to do also.
And I didn’t understand that a few new followers per month was nowhere near enough volume to support getting the number of clients that I wanted.
I also didn’t understand that trying to have people follow a business page wasn’t a great idea for a solopreneur like myself, either – because business pages have almost no reach/visibility unless you pay (a lot!).
So my strategy of choice in the Strong Method™ is to send at least 50 targeted friend requests per day – to my PERSONAL profile (because you can’t do that on a business page anyway – people can only follow you “one way” there; you can’t initiate any kind of reciprocal follow request).
Some people are amazed at how many friend requests I do, but it’s what I’ve done to get the results I’ve gotten (and when I’ve taken breaks and gone, say, a month or two without doing the requests, my numbers of leads and clients have tanked during that time period – so imagine how much BETTER my results could’ve been if I never skipped doing it!).
Hoping that people follow you because of something you said in a FB group isn’t an intentional, targeted strategy for audience building.
Sending those requests every day (and tracking them so you can truly make sure you’ve hit your numbers) is something you can control, with much greater volume.
(N.B. – I am not saying that the FB group thing couldn’t be made into an intentional strategy. There are lots of smart people out there who may have figured out a way to do this with enough volume that it would get the same results that I and those who follow my method have gotten. I just haven’t figured that out personally. If you’ve figured this out and want to share your results, I’m happy to hear about it!)
2. Pitch your offer every day.
The Strong Method™ has two ways that we do this: in a post by itself, and at the end of a (very) valuable post that explains how we recommend solving the problems of our ideal client.
The “end of a post” way is the most common, with the “post by itself” being less frequent – about 2-4 times per month.
With this, too, people tend to be surprised at how often I pitch. They tend to believe that if they pitch this often, people will be annoyed and unfollow them. They’ve also heard a lot of advice not to do it.
But – once again – I’m telling you what I’ve done to get the results I’ve gotten. My number of leads and clients shot up when I started pitching every day using the particular Strong Method™ way of doing it.
And I didn’t notice any negative effects, like large numbers of people unfollowing me or reporting me as spam. I never even got one spam report, actually. And not a single person ever made a negative comment, like “wow, you sure pitch a lot.”
I think that’s partly because the “end of a post” way of pitching only catches the people who were interested enough to read all the way to the end of the post anyway – so those people are prime candidates to receive an offer.
If you want to study the Strong Method™ blueprints for the “offer by itself” and the “value post with offer at the end,” check out these links:
Value post with offer at the end
3. Have a clear outcome for your offer.
Despite all the heaps of teaching out there about having a clear outcome for your offer, almost no one out there does.
In the free reviews I’m doing for my audience this week, I’m seeing tons and tonnnnns of offers that don’t have clear outcomes.
And of course I’ve noticed this lack of outcome clarity throughout our industry for years – since I entered it in 2013, to be exact. It was part of the reason why I went in to business – so I could help people to clarify this piece!
If the people following you don’t understand what your offer can do for them, then of course you won’t get many people reaching out from your content wanting to have your help!
“I have an offer for powerful women who want to stop self-sabotaging” is not an outcome. Stop self-sabotaging what? That’s a means to an end. What is the end? Attract love? Get more clients?
“I have an offer for agencies who want marketing support” is not an outcome. “Marketing” is not an outcome, nor is “marketing support.” What’s the outcome? More sales of a high-ticket program? Clients who align better on values?
“I have an offer to optimize your hormones” is not an outcome. Why would someone want to do that? Lose weight? Reverse certain kinds of symptoms?
If you want to study the Strong Method™ blueprint for figuring out and articulating your outcome, check out this link for my highly-acclaimed free training.
Or sign up for one of my group workshops where I help folks to articulate their outcome.
4. Have a clear point that you’re making in each piece of content. And the point should relate to how (or how not) to solve a problem.
So much of the content that I see out there is rambly and all-over-the-place.
It’s so hard to figure out what they’re even trying to say – and I’m REALLY trying, too! – reading, re-reading, analyzing – because I’m committed to giving the feedback to my clients and to people who’ve signed up for my free feedback offer.
The casual social media reader who’s in your target audience isn’t going to put forth as much effort as I’m doing to decode your meaning, that’s for sure!
I’ve seen posts that go, “What is fear?…” and then ramble for 1,000 words about fear.
I’ve seen posts that go, “I have a gift for seeing how people hold themselves back!…” and then go on and on about that.
None of that tells me what kind of problem you address, and how you suggest I address it (or what causes it) if I have that problem.
Even just putting yourself in your reader’s shoes for a few minutes does wonders for fixing this problem. In the Strong Method™, everything we write is for the reader’s benefit – explaining something that they’re curious about, or that they’ve been trying to solve for years.
All the types of content that miss the mark have a commonality: they’re not something the potential client cares about!
They don’t care that you’re good at XYZ or that you have some eloquent musings about fear. How does any of that relate to THEM and to the thing they’re hoping a coach/expert can help them solve?
In the Strong Method™, we get right to the point in each post, immediately, with a problem and how we suggest (or don’t suggest) solving it, like so:
“The reason you still feel anxious setting boundaries with your boss is __. Let’s talk about how to solve that.”
“It’s a myth that price objections happen because of your energy. Rather, it’s because you weren’t clear about the benefits of your offer. Let me explain:…”
“A man is not your ‘twin flame’ just because you feel physical chemistry. The kinds of relationships that last a lifetime tend to do so for reasons that have very little to do with that. Let’s talk about what those are: ….”
This way of writing is quite basic – but it WORKS!
So many people tell me that they get way more clients (and that the clients are exactly the right people) when they start writing this kind of content that just cuts out all the fluff and speaks to exactly what their client is hoping to solve, and what they’d be helping with in their program.
This kind of content gets engagement, too – because even people who don’t reach out to become a client tend to be mind-blown by the insight.
Which brings me to the next change that I suggest you make…
5. Share real insights in your content – don’t make readers take an additional action to receive the insight. And the insight should be the majority of the word count of your content.
This one is REALLY uncommonly done.
Most people don’t share any real insight in their content about how to solve problems.
Rather, they’ll give one sentence like “you need to proportion your macros properly” and then hurriedly send the reader off to a free training to learn more, or to book a discovery call to hear more and see how they can help.
In the Strong Method™ we actually give “the answer” in our posts – we explain what proper proportioning of macros looks like, or how we suggest writing content (reference this very post as an example), or what kinds of mindset shifts we help women make in order to attract Mr. Right, and why that works.
This is why the Strong Method™ way of writing content actually gets more clients AND more engagement than many other ways do.
It makes it so easy for the person who wants to buy, because they don’t have to do any more work to search out the information about the method that this coach/expert uses to solve problems, or about their offer. It’s all contained within the post.
No signing up for a webinar, discovery call, or free seminar to get the real information.
And giving the real insight is what gets engagement (and therefore shows your content to even more people) because you actually included the “juicy” part that blows people’s minds, and they often feel compelled to react in some way, with a “like,” comment, share, or tagging a friend in the comments who’s struggling with the problem that you were writing about.
It makes total sense that posts with less insight (or none) that try to push someone to take some other action wouldn’t get as much engagement.
There’s nothing “there” to move the person emotionally or intellectually, or otherwise make an impact on them – only the PROMISE of something that might be insightful if they jump through a bunch more hoops.
There are a ton more specific things that you can change to get way more clients coming to you from Facebook – but I wanted to hit the five big ones here.
The Strong Method™ protocols have much more detail on ALL of these points and how to execute them, so please let me know (hit “reply” to this email) if you have questions about any of it.
And feel free to binge the content on this website (videos and posts) for more detail as well.
And – if you want me to personally help you with everything listed in this post AND MORE (articulating your outcome, spelling out your offer in that 500-word post, putting the audience-growth strategy into place, writing the content in that specific and insightful way with the pitch at the end, etc.)…
…I do all of that in my 1-on-1 program, which is 30 days long with an option to extend the timeframe.
DM me on Facebook if you’re interested in this program and we’ll have a quick chat to see if it’s a fit. I’m enrolling new clients to this program right now!
More information on the program is available here.
And if you’re a long-time (or short-time! ) fan of the Strong Method™ who would like to be trained and certified to teach the method to your own clients, DM me on Facebook about my certification program!