5 Huge Annoying Things That Writing Detailed Content Saves You From

(this post is in honor of all those who talk about how they don’t use content marketing because it takes so much TIIIIME to write good content – a very short-sighted view as the content actually SAVES you way more time on the back end than it TAKES on the front end:)

1) Sales calls.

I still almost can’t believe that I’ve now earned over $800K without a single sales call. Everyone signed up through DM or over email.

In the beginning, I didn’t even intend to do it this way. I just asked people to initially contact me through DM if they were interested in my offer. My plan then was to invite them to a sales call from there.

But so many people told me that my detailed content convinced them that I knew what I was talking about and could help them – they wondered if they could just sign up right then.

Um… YES! 😂 Of course that was music to my ears. And I was able to ask a few questions over Messenger to make sure that they were the right client for me… so on both sides, we were good to go without a call.

2) (along the same lines) Needing to answer tons of questions from prospective clients before they’ll sign up.

I spend so little time on sales now. Like, so little. Less than an hour a week, sometimes just a few minutes per week…. to enroll 4 or more high-ticket clients in a month.

Most people who contact me are a “yes” these days – I think that’s because my content (and sharing my price) repels a lot of the people who wouldn’t have said yes anyway.

And the ones who do contact me, don’t have a ton of questions either. They repeatedly say that my content answered everything (or almost everything) for them.

Clients of mine who implement my method often report changes in this area too – that prior to using my method, they used to spend so much time answering questions that they thought their marketing answered, and after implementing and clarifying their content with more details, their inboxes are much quieter – EXCEPT for the approximately-once-a-week message from someone who’s ready to sign up. 😉

3) Needing to have an elaborately-designed website (or any website at all).

I remember how much I used to obsess about my website, about whether the wording was clear, and whether this wording should be at the top of the page or the side of the page, and how one page should link to another and where all the different information should be housed.

And then one day my hosting provider had a problem and my website disappeared for several months, with no easy way to get it back.

At first I experienced it as the most stressful time of my life.

But then that was also the time when I realized that all the necessary information about my business, expertise and offer could be delivered in well-organized written Facebook posts.

And I ended up earning 10X more money without a website than I ever did with one.

Turns out – if you know how to communicate well, the medium doesn’t matter so much.

And, in fact, the Facebook post framework can work even better than a website (in terms of readers/visitors quickly understanding what you’re all about), because the post compresses all the information that people would have needed to click all over your website to get, into one linear piece of writing.

PLEASE NOTE: Until April 2022 (when I was more than $800K into my business), this website did not exist. 🙂 All I had was a landing page for people to sign up for my daily email list, and a standalone page with the description of my paid program. And for about the first six months to a year of my use of this client attraction method, I didn’t have those two landing pages either.

4) Needing to run Facebook ads.

There was a point in my business at which I thought that you absolutely, positively, without a doubt couldn’t get enough clients to make six figures a year unless you ran Facebook ads.

After all, my experience supported that belief – I did so much posting on my profile and in groups, and I only got a very small number of clients per year, earning between 10k and 30k per year.

I thought there just wasn’t enough reach from organic posting.

Now, that idea seems laughable, as I was able to earn over 300K/year from only organic posting, and no ads whatsoever.

I now see that detailed content is more compelling – and gets more people reading, sharing, liking, and asking questions.

And, yes, contacting you to ask about working with you. 🙂

If your content is not detailed, then of course you’re not going to get a ton of response to it and you’re going to think that there aren’t enough people available through your FB profile and FB groups who would be interested in hiring you.

So you’ll go run ads (if you have the money) or just stay stuck in your business as you yearn to have the money to be able to run ads (which is what I did!).

5) (this is the least obvious one, but the most powerful) Needing to spend a ton of time helping your clients master concepts before they get results.

(and related: needing to spend a lot of time with a client to get paid a high-ticket fee)

Detailed content (the way I do it) is actually a coaching asset.

It explains so much that by the time clients come to you, they already have their minds wrapped around the main concepts that you coach on or teach, and maybe even started practicing them.

You could say that the detailed content is actually the beginning of the coaching process (as one of my clients astutely noted, the way her “voice” comes out in her written posts is actually really similar to the way she sounds when coaching clients live).

And, even AFTER clients sign up, you can refer them to certain targeted posts you’ve written that help reinforce concepts you’re currently working on with them in your program.

This saves you a ton of time having to explain things in session or write to them over DM/Voxer/however you communicate outside of session.

All of which means that you can make your paid work a lot more concise and powerful – while still charging the same because the results are the same.

For example, instead of getting paid $10K for 3-6 months of coaching you could now get paid $10K for a few weeks or a month.

Isn’t that exciting?!

I’m sure I don’t have to spell out all the amazing benefits of being able to get paid more for less of your time.

If you’ve been wanting to streamline your work in this way – but haven’t been able to figure out how – writing detailed marketing content just might be a huge part of the answer.

Those are the main 5 things that come to mind that writing detailed content saves you from.

I’m sure there are others… 🙂

When I talk about making your content more detailed, what am I talking about exactly?

Two things:

1) the details of your actual offer/program


2) the details of your philosophy and/or methodologies that you use to help people get results

If you want to learn more about what it looks like to spell out these details, there are two great trainings that you can check out:

First, this video talks about what to spell out regarding your actual offer, and how to write posts that focus solely on your offer.

And this video spells out my framework for lead-generating posts, and it talks a lot more about what to spell out regarding your methods and/or philosophies.

And if you want my help to write both kinds of posts, that is the majority of what we do in my 30-day private intensive. Details about that program can be found here.

What have you been saved from since beginning to write more detailed content? I’d love to know in the comments here. 🙂

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