You’re Not Giving Too Much Away – You’re Just Getting Too Detailed

Lots of people think that the reason they’re not getting many leads/clients from their content is that they’re “giving too much away” and therefore people are going and doing it themselves rather than hiring them.

In my experience, this is rarely the case.

The real problem is that you’re giving so many details and going so much “into the weeds” that people can’t wrap their minds around the basic chunks of the work you do and the main outcome you provide.

A related point is that they also don’t know what your container is for providing that outcome to clients. Or they have to dig around A LOT through your website/content/profile to find that info.

I’ll give you an example.

I’ve had several clients now who are book-writing coaches. They help with various stages of the book writing/publishing/marketing process and in some cases even with optimizing the book to get leads/clients for the author.

Most of them have shared with me that they thought about offering a lead magnet or training that was some kind of fill-in-the-blank resource for writing a chapter or a book outline or even the book itself. But they worried that that was “giving away too much.”

It is… but not for the reason they think.

I’m someone who has purchased high-ticket offers in all four mega-niches of our industry (health, wealth, relationships, and personal development) so I can tell you a lot about what the mindset of a high-ticket client is like.

If I see some free DIY resource offered about how to fill in the blanks to create my book story outline or chapter, I feel totally overwhelmed by that. Because I know I’m not the expert on that subject and it’ll take me forever to do the DIY thing and even when I complete it, I won’t be sure I did it correctly.

I’m a busy and successful entrepreneur and if/when I decide I want to write a book, I want it done RIGHT – and as fast as possible.

That means I want to hire an expert. I won’t even attempt to DIY.

Now, I do need to feel confident that the person IS an expert before I hire them. But a fill-in-the-blank template won’t prove that to me.

In fact, a fill-in-the-blank template doesn’t even inform me of the full scope of what it is they actually do and provide to their clients.

Do they JUST help me to write the story? Do they edit it? Do they help me to self-edit? Do they optimize it to be marketable? Do they teach me how to self-publish? What’s the ultimate outcome? I certainly can’t tell any of that by looking at a free story template.

As a potential high-ticket client, what I want is a high-level summary of the scope of their work, as well as how they fit that work into a container (what’s their package and how do they deliver it to me as a client?).

(I actually teach a 500-word framework for providing that summary to people… here’s a link to a training to learn more about it.)

Then I want them to also give me some explanatory posts or emails or other written content that goes into more depth on the summary, explaining each piece of the work a little bit more and how it contributes to getting me the outcome. By going a little deeper into each piece of their process, they prove to me that they’re an expert.

I don’t even need to see their templates/tools to be convinced to sign up because what I really needed was an explanation of how and why the tools work.

(I call these explanatory posts “belief-shifting posts” and almost every post that I publish on Facebook and on this website is an example of this way of writing. Here’s a link to a training where you can get an overview of how to write them.)

Are you seeing the difference and why these super-detailed free things might actually be confusing and/or a turnoff to the most motivated clients who are actually willing to pay you the most?

Another example.

A friend of mine is an email marketing expert and she once asked my opinion about her free lead magnet, “5 Emails that All Coaches Should Be Sending.”

It was another free template type thingy.

See how that creates the same problem?

That doesn’t really tell me EXACTLY what she does or what kinds of results her work gets. It tells me that email marketing is her subject, but that’s about it.

Does she write emails or does she help coaches write them? Do her emails help people to scale from $10K/month to $20K/month? Are they proven to get around 1-2 prospects reaching out per email blast if you have a list of at least 5,000?

These are the kinds of things that high-ticket clients would be interested in knowing.

(they go in the 500-word offer statement)

We would also be interested in knowing more about what makes those emails work. What kinds of principles does she follow? Why do they work? How are they different from other principles that others in her field might follow?

(that stuff goes in the belief-shifting posts)

Is this making sense?

Interestingly, I eliminated the detailed free lead magnets altogether from my business about 2 years ago, and proceeded to have the 2 most successful years ever – booking 4-8 high ticket clients per month and getting more than 1 inquiry on average per day from someone interested in working with me.

Instead of posting on social about my lead magnets like I used to, I started putting the relevant information (mentioned above) directly in my posts, directly in people’s feeds.

And the results have been dramatic.

If you want my help to create similar results for your business from your organic social media efforts, I offer a 30-day intensive for experienced coaches and other experts.

I work with you on explaining your offer in that simple way in a 500-word post that you can put on social (as well as – if needed – re-packaging or re-positioning your offer and its outcome). I also coach you on writing the belief-shifting posts that will give high-ticket prospects the exact amount of information that they need – no more, no less – in order to see that you’re an expert who has what they need, and get them to reach out to you via DM.

And I also share with you my super-simple method for qualifying and enrolling your leads over Messenger (so you don’t even need to do phone calls if you don’t want to) and help you customize it to your business and offer.

You also get all of my best practices for gathering an organic audience for free and without doing anything sleazy, spammy, or against social media rules.

And you’ll get lifetime access to my secret FB group with 90+ awesome people who’ve also gone through this program so that you can mastermind and share ideas with them, as well as get all of my latest and greatest updates on the methods. I’ve also been known to offer periodic free calls and other goodies to alumni of the program.

Just DM me on Facebook if you’re interested in this offer and we’ll chat to see if it’s a good fit for you and your business.

And if you’re interested in checking out my methods more first, go through some of the posts and videos here. I’m told they’re better what most people charge for.

Enjoy 🙂

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