How to Show People You’re the Real Deal and Can Help Them

A question I received recently:

“There are so many unqualified coaches out there promising big results to people and then they get burned.

“It kills me to see all the people talking about not getting results in these programs because I REALLY DO know how to get them results.

“I have years of experience and my clients have succeeded with me time and again where they failed with others.

“But most people don’t pay attention to me because I’m not a ‘big name’ and I don’t have a 100-person team or millions to throw at splashy advertising and branding.

“I have something really valuable here and I want to reach more people and help them. I feel like I’m the ‘best-kept secret’ in my niche.

“How do I grab the attention of the people who’ve been burned by the ‘big names’ and show them that I’m actually the real deal and can help them where others failed them?”

Okay, so here’s how:

You explain your methods (in detail) and how they’re different from all the methods that don’t work well and leave people disappointed (again: in detail).

The key, though, is WHEN you provide those explanations.

I submit that it should be the FIRST time someone encounters you.

In an organic FB marketing context, that means that someone connects with you as a FB friend or joins your FB group, and the FIRST thing they see are posts that go into detail about your methods, how they solve problems, and how they’re different from methods that don’t work.

This is NOT what most people are teaching you!

Most teaching out there says that your posts should only include the PROMISE of results, and maybe a TEASER of how you get those results.

And that you should only share your actual methods once someone is on a sales call with you.

(And maybe not even then – some say not to share them until the person has paid you and is in your program! Yikes)

The problem is that when posts don’t include this information up-front, many people will not reach out for a sales call in the first place, because they don’t even have the slightest inkling that you’re different and can help them.

When EVERYONE is only posting about results, they all blend together and sound the same, and it’s just about impossible to tell who knows what they’re talking about or is telling the truth.

This very post that you’re reading right now is an example of what I’m saying here.

I’ve had a ton of new friends join me on my Facebook profile in just the past week. If you’re one of them, and you’ve just discovered me, this might be the very first post you’ve ever read from me.

And you’re already getting some information on what might not have worked well from the ways other people (perhaps even famous gurus, some of them) taught you to write content to attract clients who really need what you offer.

I’ve had it happen time and again that, not only have people signed up with little ol’ me after being burned by the big-name gurus, but they did so a very short time after even finding out about my existence – like, a few days to a few weeks later.

That’s what’s possible when you “put it all out there” right away.

I also want to share another example of the point I’m making in this post.

One way in which I’ve seen big-name gurus repeatedly fail people is in the way they (don’t) help them to get clear on how to articulate their niche, offer, and positioning.

The teaching and coaching on these subjects in the big-name programs is often very, very thin.

I used to wail and whine to myself (and sometimes to other people) that as a solopreneur, I didn’t have the resources to get enough people’s attention to let them know that I actually had a solid, meaty thought process for these subjects that would be far more helpful than what they got from the gurus.

But then one day I had an inspiration (God-given, I’m sure):

Why didn’t I just create an amazing FREE training on niching, positioning and articulating your offer to attract high-ticket buyers – showing my entire thought process – and run through a bunch of case studies and examples and even take live questions from people?

Wouldn’t that get attention and show (as opposed to telling) people that what I offered was really different, substantial, and could get them results?

I thought it would.

So… I did just that.

In my free Facebook group.

And it contributed to my first 30k month more than 2 years ago (and many more after that), as potential (soon-to-be actual) clients referenced that video time and again when DM’ing me, saying it was a huge part of what convinced them that I could help them to work out this knotty problem in their business.

(and be aware that 2 years ago, at the time I created the training and had my first 30k month, I DIDN’T have a ton of people in the group – only a few hundred)

The training is entitled:

“How to Sell Help That Your Ideal Client Doesn’t Know They Need”

And at this point it’s gotten nearly 5,000 views.

You can still watch it in the Facebook group, or here on my website.

I think it’s a wonderful example of the kind of content that can make you shine so brightly even if you don’t have the massive following or financial clout of a guru.

(and, of course, I hope it begins to solve any niche-articulation challenges that you have, too 😉 )

Creating this kind of spell-out-your-methods content regularly has not JUST blown up my income.

It has done that, yes – but more importantly, I’ve been able to help far more people.

(I’m up to 60-70 clients a year now, plus thousands in my free group and on my Facebook profile, whereas before I only got a few clients per year and only had a couple hundred in my groups.)

I’ve also been able to share in clients’ deep satisfaction as they finally understand their unique angle in the marketplace and are able to get a higher quantity of clients who really need their work, pay their high-ticket fees, and get the transformation.

What a gift, right?

If you REALLY DO know how to help people (or should I say, the right people) to reach 100k/year or to find love or to heal trauma or something else amazing…

…and you’re looking for assistance to articulate your offer and outcomes…

…and/or to write content that puts your methods on display in an attractive, different-sounding, and interesting way…

…that’s all a part of my paid 30-day private intensive for coaches and other experts.

If you JUST want help articulating your outcome(s) (a.k.a. the topic of that wonderful video I linked you to above)… that’s what my group workshop is about.

(Click here to find out when the workshop will be offered next.)

Simply send me a DM on Facebook if you’re interested in either the group workshop or the 30-day private intensive.

And have a wonderful day. 🙂

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