How to Know What Outcome You Offer if You Provide a Business Service

A lot of folks who serve businesses are confused about what outcome to talk about in their pitches and their marketing. They know they offer something valuable but they get stuck on precisely what the outcome is… which results in weak messaging and weakened confidence in their offers.

Here’s a big hint to simplify things: It’s pretty much always something about making, saving, or keeping more money.

(And yes, that’s true no matter what your expertise is – whether you’re a copywriter, a content strategist, a positioning expert, a mindset expert, a sales coach, a messaging expert, an integrator/systems expert, a launch coach, a lead gen strategist, whatever.)

Where people get tripped up is in not understanding what conditions and circumstances need to be in place in order for their help to enable a financial outcome.

Sales coaches freak out. “But I can’t say I’ll increase their bottom line! I mean yeah I can increase their close rate but what if they don’t have enough leads!”

Then you know that your ideal client has to be someone who does have enough leads.

In other words, they need to NOT have a bunch of other problems besides the one you know how to solve.

If that’s the case, then you can be reasonably sure that your work will enable a financial reward.

You can even estimate what that reward might be, if you define what the ideal client’s close rate currently is, and how many leads they have.

Branding coaches freak out. “But I can’t say I’ll increase their bottom line just by doing brand work! What if their product or service isn’t good or validated?”

Then you know that your ideal client has to be someone whose product/service is indeed good and validated.

And you’ll want to establish what proof of that fact would be (e.g., they’ve sold X amount of the product/service and customers were happy).

Put simply: No matter what your expertise is, you’ll need to be very clear about what scenario you’ll be stepping into with your clients, and make sure it’s one where the only gap between them and more money is the type of help you provide.

Once you’ve done that, you can be a lot more confident stating an outcome.

And when you understand who’s truly going to get the biggest reward with you, you might just realize that you can charge 2X-5X what you thought you could, as long as you’re only working with this type of client.

I’ve seen that epiphany happen on my client calls more than a few times and it’s pretty darn cool to witness 🙂

If you need help thinking all of this through, DM me on Facebook and we’ll have a chat to see if I can help. This is a big piece of what I help folks with in my 1:1 30-day Intensive.

Best part is I don’t just look over all the messaging and marketing that you already have in place. Instead, I give you frameworks that ask for your information in a format that you probably haven’t used before.

The whole process is aimed at figuring out what conditions need to be in place for you to ONLY do the work you’re best at and have clients bringing all the other necessary parts to the success equation.

From there, you’ll experience a newfound clarity and confidence about your work and you’ll be able to finally make those bold claims that attract the clients you most want to work with.

Look forward to chatting over Messenger if you’re interested in help. And if not, I hope this post served you anyway. 🙂

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