I just started using DevaCurl products for my curly hair… and the way they got me to buy was an interesting case study that applies to the coaching world. 😉
It had a few parallels with how I market my own services and help coaches and experts to market theirs, so that we easily get people to believe that our methods work and that it’ll be worth it to invest high-ticket fees to have our help to apply them.
Folks even sign up without a phone call when we use this method (just a quick “make-sure-it’s-the-right-fit” chat over Messenger) – that’s how convinced/bought-in they are.
Anyway, back to DevaCurl…
Several fellow curly girls have told me about the DevaCurl products over the years, saying they’re made for curly hair and help with defining the curls, making them shinier and managing dryness.
But I was always a bit skeptical.
ANY time someone is raving about a specific product and telling me that I need that specific product, I tend to be a bit skeptical.
After all, how can one specific thing be the magical solution to my challenge when I’ve tried so many things over the years and each of them ALSO claimed to be “THE thing” that would help me and none did?
So a while back I just waved the white flag and made the decision that I was going to stop buying and trying so many products because they all claimed that they’d be “THE thing” to help me and yet I never saw much of a difference in the results I got.
But here’s where DevaCurl is different and why I actually broke my no-new-hair-products pledge to go buy theirs.
The founder of the brand, Lorraine Massey, has written a book explaining exactly why traditional shampoos and conditioners cause problems for curly hair – including exactly what the problematic ingredients are.
Specifically, sulfates are the problematic ingredient in shampoo, and silicones are the problematic ingredient in conditioner.
There are more details than that, but those were my two big takeaways.
And guess what? Once you know that, you can easily figure out which products are “safe” and which will cause you problems.
I even found a website someone made where you can copy/paste the ingredients list of a shampoo or conditioner and it’ll check for you whether it contains sulfates or silicones.
So, just to satisfy my curiosity, I went through every hair product currently in my bathroom and, one by one, plugged their ingredients lists into this website.
And you know what I found?
To say my mind was blown would be an understatement.
The person who created this brand essentially gave away her “secret” so I didn’t even have to buy her specific product if I didn’t want to, and I could still get the results.
And she even gave me a way to verify whether or not my current products fit with her philosophy, just so I could be extra reassured that I might see a difference if I switched.
(that “way to verify” was the website that analyzed the ingredients list, of course)
One might guess that after stumbling upon such an amazing secret, I’d just pick up the next product I could find that would omit the offending ingredients.
But I didn’t… I specifically went in search of DevaCurl, the product innovated by the woman who figured this stuff out in the first place.
It’s hard to fully explain why I did that, but I think part of the reason is that I wanted to give my business to the person who was brilliant enough to figure out this solution and brave enough to give it away for free.
Not everyone is like me – many would just look for the first product they could get their hands on.
But who knows, maybe I’m this woman’s ideal client. 😉
Anyway, this story has some parallels with what happens when we use our marketing content to actually give away our “secret”(s) of how we help clients to get results through our coaching or expert service.
Plenty of people do say “thanks for the amazing insight” and don’t buy from us. Yep. That happens.
But enough people DO buy that we easily get 1-2 clients a week and make multiple-six or seven figures per year (the price point of our offer determines whether it’s multiple-six or seven that we earn, of course).
And those who do buy, are so sold on our method – such true believers before they even contact us to talk about working together – that sales conversations can just be a few text exchanges back and forth, with no objections and no sales calls.
And working with these “true believers” feels like a match made in heaven – they’re willing to work, they think our high-ticket fee was more than worth it, they do the things we suggest and coach them to do, their values and philosophies match ours… All the good stuff that we all hope for in our clients, no?
You know I won’t end this post without practicing what I preach 😉 so I’m going to give away a few of my own secrets to getting these amazing results:
1) We don’t just have every call-to-action be “let’s get on a call and talk about solving your problem” – we actually spell out the offer, including who it’s for, what result is likely for the right person, where the right person needs to be starting from, the basic steps and/or methods we deploy to get the results, what kind of format the offer is (1:1, group, etc.), roughly what kinds of features are included to help with getting the result, price (yep, we tell the price), and more.
2) We even do dedicated posts every couple of weeks that are JUST the offer, so it’s not always buried at the end of another piece of content.
3) We do value posts that mention problem, result, and method for getting from problem to result – but the “problem” and “result” parts are just a sentence or two each, with the vast majority of the post being the “method” part (that attracts the more sophisticated clients with positive mindsets rather than the ubiquitous kind of marketing that goes on and on about the problem and pain points)
4) We request friends to join our profile based on how much it looks like they’re a high-achieving type of person – not based on any clue that they have the problem we solve (i.e. not based on finding them in a FB group where tons of people hang out asking questions about how to lose weight)
…And, of course, there are tons more secrets to my method. 😉
You can learn a lot more of them by reading more of my posts on this website, on my FB profile, or by watching my free videos.
You can shift the results you’re getting just by implementing the advice in this post.
But, if you feel drawn to work with me to have me pull out my very best tools for YOUR unique situation – then send me a DM on Facebook. 😉
I do work only with very serious and motivated clients, who have typically already reached the six-figure income level in their business and have 5-10 years of experience doing the work they do.
My main package is a 30-day private intensive where I help folks to clarify how they’re explaining their signature package/program and who is the best fit for it, as well as giving feedback on content they write that follows my two signature frameworks – the direct offer post and the lead-generating (belief-shifting) post.
If needed, we also simplify and streamline their sales processes so that they can easily identify the right clients by their answers to a few precise questions, and close the sales over DM if they wish to do that.
And, also if needed, we put a simple process into place to use friend-requesting to grow their potential client pool by 20-40 new people per day.
If you end up working with me in this program, you’ll also get all of my best thinking about all of the finer details of this method (which some have dubbed the Strong Method!) and how they apply to your particular business and ideal client.
Plus, for as long as I’m running my business, you’ll receive updates from me on tweaks I’ve made to the method – and you’ll get to virtually “meet” more than 140 awesome people who have also gone through this program. I’ve also been known to offer free Q & As and other goodies to alumni of the program.
Again, just DM me on Facebook if interested and we’ll have a quick chat over Messenger to see if you’re a good candidate for the program. 😍