This is an invitation to experienced coaches, experts, and service providers who are tired of working with non-ideal clients and including non-ideal work in their offerings…
…and want to increase their revenue without adding too many (or any) expenses – while working mainly with clients they love, doing work they love.
In this offer, you work with me over one month’s time on the following things:
1) Creating or tweaking your main high-ticket offer so that it’s well-matched to the work you most want to do, the type of client you most want to do it with, and the outcome they most want – and (as an outgrowth of these things) will allow you to command a high-ticket fee (5k-20k+), potentially higher than you’re currently charging, for less of your time and effort (ideally averaging out to 1k+ per week or per session).
(this is the biggest piece that allows you to get to higher income without much higher expenses)
I also have a simple yet very effective way of thinking through how to create other lower-ticket offers that are “spinoffs” of your main one. We can go through this process too if you desire.
2) Actually describing your offer in my proprietary 500–800 word framework, which can be used as a social media post or in any other context in which you market – so that the clients you want will easily see that it’s exactly what will help them get to where they want to go, by the shortest path possible.
(this will help you to get more clients because a clearer statement of what you offer tends to attract more people – AND it will reduce the amount of work it takes you to get a client, because this statement heads off so many potential questions from prospects, and even completely filters away many of the wrong folks)
3) Working on three to twenty pieces of client-attracting content (the exact number is up to you) to fit my proven framework, grab readers’ attention, cover the right topics for this client and this offer, make the strongest and most complete arguments for your methods and philosophies, and properly weave in your outcome and offer so that each piece of content is a client-generating opportunity.
(this, too, should increase the number of prospects and clients you get, as well as making it far easier and faster to enroll them while repelling the wrong folks)
As part of the content piece of this offer, I will also provide a mini done-for-you component: up to twenty ideas for hooks that you can use as the beginning of your posts.
And I’ll provide a summary of the main areas for improvement that I noticed when we worked on your content, so that you can be aware of them when you create content on your own in the future.
4) OPTIONAL: If you desire, I’ll provide you with my proven practices for growing your Facebook friends list with the right people (and pruning it of the wrong people), as well as for qualifying and enrolling clients over either Messenger or a short, simple phone call – and we’ll customize all of this to your business.
As part of this offer, you’ll receive:
–1-on-1 Zoom calls
–Written assignments, frameworks, and best practices
–Unlimited feedback over Messenger/email in between calls
–20 done-for-you post hooks
–Assistance creating one offer statement and 3-20 client-attracting posts (these pieces are done-with-you, not done-for-you)
In order to be a good fit for this offer, you must have some sort of experience already with the work you want to do and the client you want to attract (even if it wasn’t paid experience, and even if it wasn’t within the kind of container you’d prefer to work in).
This is because my genius lies in discerning patterns in past events, and putting words and structures around things that people already somewhat vaguely know. If we’re talking about work you haven’t done at all yet, or a type of client who’s totally different from anybody you’ve ever worked with, then in those scenarios I’m not as good at helping to build offers or create wording.
Some people can help you in that situation because they do a lot of market research for you, or just have a lot of knowledge about a certain type of client/market from having worked in that niche themselves, or because they have intuitive gifts to help them somehow envision something that hasn’t happened yet.
That’s all great – it’s just not my zone.
If you’re not sure whether you have enough of the right experience to be a good fit to work with me – just DM me on Facebook, and we’ll discuss.
The investment for this 1-month intensive is 9K USD – which I think would be a steal even if you only got ONE of the first three items on the list above, since each one on its own could easily make you 9K relatively quickly – and then you’d have the clarity, skills and/or frameworks to repeat that success for the lifetime of your business.
NEW: You also have the option to do ONLY items #1 and #2 above (i.e. just the offer creation and pitching part), for 6.5K USD.
ALSO: You can continue working with me after the 1-month intensive, if you want more help (or done-for-you work) on content or offers. The investment for continuing support varies according to how many months you sign up for and whether you have worked with me before (special pricing available for past clients). Pricing ranges from 3.5k/month-6k/month.
When you send your message, give me a sense of where you currently are with your packages/pricing and revenue, what kinds of clients you’ve worked with, and what specific subset of clients you’d like to focus on more.
It would also help to know what specifically attracts you about my services, and what you’re most interested to discuss and work on together.
See you in Messenger! 🙂
P.S. If you want to legally use my methods and frameworks with your own clients (the concise offer pitch framework is a favorite of many folks) – I now have a certification program which will allow you to re-teach and use the methods with my permission.
P.P.S. If you’re not sure that you’re a fit for any of the services described on this page, but you’re still interested in having my help, check out this list of other ways to work with me.